Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Disparities Of The 2014 Reported Burglary And Theft...

This paper analyses the disparities of the 2014 reported burglary and theft statistics between the, Auckland City District (ACD) and WaitematÄ  District (WD). The statistics are reported by the National Police Headquarters as of April 2015 (New Zealand Police, 2015). Therefore, Police reporting practices will be discussed to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the reported data. Secondly, the Routine Activities and Social Disorganisation theories will be used to provide an explanation for the differences in recorded burglary and theft statistics. Lastly possible policy solutions to reduce the amount of crime reported to and recorded by Police will be discussed. As it appears, burglary and theft offences are higher amongst the Auckland City district than the WaitematÄ . These results are consistent with the Routine Activity and Social Disorganisation theories as there are more suitable targets, less collective efficacy and more incapable guardians within the ACD due to struc tural deficiency. The ACD cover the areas within Herne Bay, Freeman’s Bay, St Helier’s, Onehunga and Avondale, including Waiheke and Great Barrier Islands (NZ Police: Police Districts). The WaitematÄ  Police District includes, New Lynn, the North Shore, Devonport up to Mangawhai and also the motorway stretch from Bombay Hills to Orewa (NZ Police: Police Districts). According to NZ Police (2015), an offense is recorded if they believe that an offense has been committed. As of 2014, the recordedShow MoreRelatedMeasuring Crime And Crime Statistics1876 Words   |  8 Pagesexistence and correctly target resources. Crime statistics are therefore central to solving crime in England and Wales. In order for crime to be tackled effectively, it is vital that it is measured accurately. 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According to the U.S Department of Justice’s office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention, it was reported in 2011 that 1 in 13 of juvenile arrests were for murder, and about 1 in 5 arrests were for robbery, burglary, or larceny-theft; totaling in an estimated amountRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System For Fairness2060 Words   |  9 Pagesdefendants. The question being asked is this being done fairly to all minors who deal with the juvenile justice system? Why do some juveniles with identical crimes receive different punishments from the court? How do the courts justify these disparities i n enforcement? While there are many questions that need to be answered this paper will focus on two. What role does race play in the sentencing of juvenile offenders? 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