Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Disparities Of The 2014 Reported Burglary And Theft...

This paper analyses the disparities of the 2014 reported burglary and theft statistics between the, Auckland City District (ACD) and WaitematÄ  District (WD). The statistics are reported by the National Police Headquarters as of April 2015 (New Zealand Police, 2015). Therefore, Police reporting practices will be discussed to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the reported data. Secondly, the Routine Activities and Social Disorganisation theories will be used to provide an explanation for the differences in recorded burglary and theft statistics. Lastly possible policy solutions to reduce the amount of crime reported to and recorded by Police will be discussed. As it appears, burglary and theft offences are higher amongst the Auckland City district than the WaitematÄ . These results are consistent with the Routine Activity and Social Disorganisation theories as there are more suitable targets, less collective efficacy and more incapable guardians within the ACD due to struc tural deficiency. The ACD cover the areas within Herne Bay, Freeman’s Bay, St Helier’s, Onehunga and Avondale, including Waiheke and Great Barrier Islands (NZ Police: Police Districts). The WaitematÄ  Police District includes, New Lynn, the North Shore, Devonport up to Mangawhai and also the motorway stretch from Bombay Hills to Orewa (NZ Police: Police Districts). According to NZ Police (2015), an offense is recorded if they believe that an offense has been committed. As of 2014, the recordedShow MoreRelatedMeasuring Crime And Crime Statistics1876 Words   |  8 Pagesexistence and correctly target resources. Crime statistics are therefore central to solving crime in England and Wales. In order for crime to be tackled effectively, it is vital that it is measured accurately. 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There was 1,572 cases of robbery in Seattle with September being the highestRead MoreThe Uniform Crime Reports The National Incident Based Reporting System978 Words   |  4 Pagesabstract is to critically review the primary data sources used in the criminological research. The two key factors that measures crime are distinguished: official crime statistics, which are based on the compile data records of offenders and offenses processed by the police, courts, and corrections agencies; and unofficial crime statistics, which are produced by people and agencies outside the criminal justice system whom can add value to the data source (Regoli, Robert M., and Hewitt, John D., 2008,Read MoreCrime : A Social Problem1205 Words   |  5 PagesCrime: A Social Problem In 2013 it was reported that every person living in the United States will be a victim of a crime at some point in their lives (Macionis. 2015). A staggering statistic, crime is undoubtedly a significant problem in modern day society. 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To further reduce their stance, recent court decisionsRead MoreJuvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention2440 Words   |  10 PagesUnited States population has been reported at 321,238,352- accounting for at least 25% of the human population. Five percent out of the 25% of this population is the percentage of youths that are incarcerated or confined (Census, n.d). According to the U.S Department of Justice’s office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention, it was reported in 2011 that 1 in 13 of juvenile arrests was for murder, and about 1 in 5 arrests was for robbery, burglary, or larceny-theft; totaling in an estimated amountRead MoreJuvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention2506 Words   |  11 PagesUnited States population has been reported at 321,238,352- accounting for at least 25% of the human population. 5% out of the 25% of this population is the percentage of youths that are incarcerated or confined (Census, n.d). According to the U.S Department of Justice’s office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention, it was reported in 2011 that 1 in 13 of juvenile arrests were for murder, and about 1 in 5 arrests were for robbery, burglary, or larceny-theft; totaling in an estimated amountRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System For Fairness2060 Words   |  9 Pagesdefendants. The question being asked is this being done fairly to all minors who deal with the juvenile justice system? Why do some juveniles with identical crimes receive different punishments from the court? How do the courts justify these disparities i n enforcement? While there are many questions that need to be answered this paper will focus on two. What role does race play in the sentencing of juvenile offenders? Are certain defendants sentenced more harshly because of their race and whyRead MoreRace And Crime Of The Criminal Justice System6937 Words   |  28 Pagescrimes that a white person committed against a black or African American person was usually let off with either a very minor punishment or sentence or no sentence or conviction at all. Yes, white people sell drugs, buy drugs, commit crimes such as burglary, robbery, rape, and even murder as well as a lot of other things just as any other race is capable of and has done but the rampage killers that we often see in the news for things such as shooting up public places like schools and movie theatresRead MoreCriminal Justice System : Crime, Policing, Courts, And Corrections3651 Words   |  15 Pagesthe United States, including drug-related crimes, burglary, theft (not including burglary, housebreaking, and motor vehicle), kidnapping, robbery, and sexual violence (UNODC, 2012). South Korea had a large problem with the high rates of assault being committed, but the rate fell drastically from over 600 in 2011 to 127 in 2012 per 100,000 persons (UNODC, 2012). South Korea did not provide any statistics on the rates in which motor vehicle theft occurs. South Korea does not have many issues common

Monday, December 23, 2019

American Law Enforcement And Its Impact On The United States

Since the beginning of police work in America, the system has changed from disorganized chaos into a well structured and rather complex network of communication, response efforts, and detection of lawless behavior. From the creation of the town watch to the transformation of the first police force in the colonies to the lawlessness of the old west and the efforts to revive efficient police work, America has been ever advancing its protection of those who live in the White House, the suburbs, the slums, and even those struggling on the streets. The History of Policing in America is not derived from one origin of time but rather taking the highest qualities of protection from within itself and countries of both friend and foe. The first form of law enforcement or in other words small scale protection was over 360 years ago in Boston Massachusetts (Johnson, American Law Enforcement, 1981). In the early 1630’s, the colonists of Boston created a local ordinance that allowed for a c onstable, or a peace officer, to be appointed by the townsfolk (mainly puritans) for protection and peace management. These early constables did not focus on crime prevention but rather an after-the-fact focus that was based mainly on 1st person witnesses and whatever amounts of small evidence that the peace officer could gather from the scene (Johnson, The Early Days of American Law Enforcement, 1981). This form of law enforcement was largely ineffective and relied on mostly volunteers that did notShow MoreRelatedpolice fragmentation1356 Words   |  6 PagesThe Nature of Policing in the United States will constantly change based on certain events that happen. The government will always look for ways to adjust, trying to make policing more efficient, fair, and effective. Unlike policing in other countries, the structure of policing in the United States is extremely fragmented. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are currently 21,000 federal, state, and local law e nforcement agencies in the United States. In different levels of the governmentRead MoreRecruitment And Hiring Crisis Of American Law Enforcement1141 Words   |  5 Pageshiring crisis in American law enforcement. Among the various problems that law enforcement agencies in America face, however, do not solely pertain to issues such as budgeting or manpower; but rather, it is the problem of recruiting qualified Asian-American applicants (Gaines Kappeler, 2014). Policing in the United States has changed since the early days of American law enforcement. Although there have been opportunities for Asian-Americans to pursue a career in law enforcement over the last fortyRead MoreThe Usa Patriot Act, By George W. Bush1420 Words   |  6 Pages11, 2001, nineteen individuals, each connected with al – Qaeda, hijacked four commercial jet airliners with the intent of killing Americans. The individuals smashed two of the airliners into the World Trade Center in New York City, both stru ctures symbolic of American strength. The captors smashed the third plane into the Pentagon (another edifice symbolic of American power). On the fourth aircraft, both passengers, and flight crew tried to regain control of their plane from the terrorists, resultingRead MoreImpact of Terrorism on Law Enforcement1566 Words   |  7 PagesImpact of Terrorism in Law Enforcement The devastating events of 9/11 provided a forewarning to our country concerning the dangers of terrorism. However, it has created a particularly greater impact on the duties and standards expected of law enforcement agencies on all levels (local, state, and national). Law enforcement has begun implementing new tactics in an effort to prevent future terrorist attacks from threatening our national security. One aspect of policing in which terrorism has broughtRead MoreThe Future of Policing1568 Words   |  6 Pagesthe United States has long been of the utmost importance of national security. However, many individuals fail to understand that the internal defense of our nation is essentially of far greater importance in viewing national security on a day-to-day basis. For many American citizens existing in the modern age, life seems to run quite smoothly, and what we often take for granted is the fact that this smooth nature has much to do with the successful policing of our country by thousands of law enforcementRead MoreFederalism Is The Division Of Powers Between A Central Government And Regional Governments1480 Words   |  6 Pagesa central government and regional governments. The United States have a federal system of government where the states and national government practice the seperation of powers system within their own scopes of authority. The Fourth Amendment protects the right of the people against unreasonable searches and seizures†. The Fourth Amendment, spoke to the importance of federalism as a mechanism to secure liberty for the American people. State courts would be responsible for determining if the searchesRead MoreImpact of the Usa Patriot Act on Local Law Enforcement1282 Words   |  6 PagesImpact of the USA Patriot Act on Local Law Enforcement Teddilane Turner PSF8200 Advanced Research in Public Safety Issues, Theory, and Concepts This paper presents the topic selected for the final Public Safety Case Analysis Project, an overview of the USA Patriot Act, its impact on local law enforcement, and the potential for net widening. Congress reacted to the violation to our country on September 11, 2001 by passing the USA Patriot Act into law on October 26, 2001. (USA PatriotRead MorePolice Enforcement Agencies Work Under Extreme Pressure And Stress From The Media1578 Words   |  7 PagesWith all the negative media attention police departments and law enforcement agencies are receiving, it is not surprising factor that the police would be less inclined to work with the community to fight crime. It seems as if the citizens are against the police and that is only going to cause more issues and problems. Police have to live in constant fear that they are being criticized and their every move is being analyzed for wrong-doing. They have to second-guess every movement and action theyRead MoreProfiling Immigration in t he U.S Essay examples1429 Words   |  6 Pagesissue in the United States. This is primarily due to the fact that â€Å"the immigrant population in the United States grew considerably over the past 50 years† (Garcia 1). States are enacting laws that grant law enforcement the right to profile any one person that they believe is an illegal immigrant. On April 23, 2010, Arizona’s â€Å"Governor Brewer issued Executive Order 2010-09 requiring the Arizona Peace Officers Standards and Training Board to establish training to ensure law enforcement officials andRead MoreModule 3 : Discussion Board755 Words   |  4 Pages2001, changed law enforcement and policing in the United States? Please substantiate your conclusions with examples and any supporting data. September 11, 2016 will mark the 15th anniversary of the largest attack, on American soil, in history. Airplanes struck the twin towers, crashed in Pennsylvania, and hit the Pentagon. Since the events of September 11, 2001 new initiatives and tools are now available to reduce threats to our security from terrorists and have changed law enforcement and policing

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Arguing from Experience Free Essays

â€Å"Cathedral†, Raymond Carver’s short story from the collection of stories with the same title, is a concise guide to the nature of human interaction and the role prejudice and intellectual blindness play in communication. The narrative includes only three people, the narrator, his wife and Robert, a visitor to their house. The fact that Robert is blind irritates the narrator, as well his long-term relationship to his wife. We will write a custom essay sample on Arguing from Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now Starting from intense protest to Robert’s visit and repulsion, the narrator is miraculously transformed when he is doing a simple project with Robert: drawing a cathedral when guiding Robert’s hand moving across the paper. A change in the narrator’s attitude indicates his liberation from his prejudice replaced by compassion and human attitude. The author in this story first of all focuses on liberation from a specific kind of blindness – moral blindness caused by prejudice and bias, something that is more serious and impairing than real blindness. The path to liberation from stereotypes for the narrator in â€Å"Cathedral† starts from the first moments of the story. The narrator’s reaction from the start seems overstated as he vehemently rejects the presence of the blind man in his house: â€Å"He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me.† Putting blindness as the reason for his distaste, the narrator appears to be a very self-centered person. Blind to the feelings of people around him, he seems immersed in his own prejudice and narrow-mindedness. He does not even have power to attend to the needs of his wife bound to the blind man by a long-term friendship and willing to see him in their house as a way to support the man after his wife’s death. The author seems totally blindfolded by his prejudice that looks like instinctive aversion of the healthy man toward an unhealthy one: â€Å"But he didn’t use a cane and he didn’t wear dark glasses. I’d always thought dark glasses were a must for the blind†. His prejudice makes him see the blind man through the prism of his bias, blinding him to the real personality of the man who seems to be a cheerful and pleasant person. Only in his drawing project does he shed his blindness and get a glimpse into human personality, stating that his guiding experience is â€Å"really something† (515). Moral blindness is something that many people have experienced in one form or another. Stereotyping has become the norm in human communication as more and more people accept seeing their friends and peers as representatives of a class and attribute to them all the fixed ideas about this class. I faced this situation in my high school class when a group of students were trying to bully a girl who did not fit into their ideas of ‘coolness’. She did not only wear clothes different from what everybody had on – she was totally different, listened to different music, saw different movies, and read books that were beyond their understanding. Her family was so poor that she really could not afford the clothing that most thought fashionable, and she found her personal way out by remodelling the clothes that remained after her elder sister, acting as her personal designer. Everything about her was special, and this was what alienated everybody, perhaps because they were afraid that she thought them, ‘stereotypical’ youth interested in parties, dating and pop music as ‘uncool’. I, too, had a long period of blindness when I saw Mary (she had this simple name) as simply a freak in an outrageously long skirt and weird interests like astronomy and teaching Hebrew in the local synagogue. My moment of truth came when I happened to be surrounded by the local ‘gangsters’ on my way from school. The title ‘gangsters’ seems too impressive for a bunch of teenagers, but being surrounded by a group of guys with knives in some hands was really scary. They arrived just as I was discussing some classroom assignment with Mary, talking over the problem we had to do in class. This time, she was not their target – it was me they had a disagreement with. I was truly surprised when to their advice to get away, she firmly responded she was not going to leave me alone. We had never been friends, not enemies, either, but not special to each other so that we would stand each other by in any situation. In agreeing to stay with me, she demonstrated courage and strength of character I would never have expected in a girl whom I used to see as a weak and ineffectual wimp submerged in her dreaming and outlandish pursuits. Later on, I felt compelled to talk to her more and discovered a profound personality who was able to reveal to me many interesting things about her hobbies and life. Looking back on this incident, I think about how many individuals like this we miss in our lives, going past as people who are focused on their stereotypes. Our moral blindness shields us from real life, from what is going on in the minds of the people since we see external characteristics and draw our hasty generalizations from them. The same is evidenced in racism, sexism, ethnic prejudice and any other –ism based on outward characteristics. A boss who sees an Afro-American guy and is unwilling to employ him just because the previous Afro-American in his place was lazy and ineffective also acts on stereotypes. We are blinded by clothing fashion, appearance, income, and any other thing that can trigger stereotypical ideas. Raymond Carver in â€Å"Cathedral† gives a vivid example of this moral blindness in a person who finally finds strength to overcome the stereotype and see the world with a broader vision. Not each of us will have a transformational experience like that of the narrator in the story to open our eyes to the diversity and unconventionality of people around us. The rest are on their own, and it is up to them to change their vision of the human world without waiting for guidance from God. Freeing our minds from constraints that stem from upbringing or our environment, we will be able to see a new world, full of interesting and attractive people. Carver, Raymond. â€Å"Cathedral.† In: Reading Literature and Writing Argument. 2nd ed. Eds. James Missy and Alan P. Merickel. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005. 471. How to cite Arguing from Experience, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Disadvantages of Labor Unions free essay sample

Ever since their initial establishment, there has been much dispute whether labor unions are a positive or negative social economic force in the United States. There are many disadvantages that labor unions pose on the individual, the organization, and society as a whole. This paper discusses the negative effect of having labor Unions in the United States. The unions top weapons, strikes, can be self-disastrous. The reason being is that employers of striking workers have the legal right to continue to operate their business with permanent replacement employees who need not be discharged once the strike ends. In this case, employees on strike are not eligible to return since their previous jobs have been occupied. They would then have to wait until there is eventually an employment vacancy, if any. Striking employees also will destroy people’s every day routines and habits. On December 20, 2005, The Transport Workers Union Local 100 in New York City went on strike. New York City Transit Authority personal had observed the strike. The 2005 strike, which took place during the busiest shopping week of the year, had significantly affected the local economy since many people had then chosen to avoid shopping in New York. These shoppers chose to shop online, or postpone shopping. The strike was ended on Tuesday, December 27, 2005. The number of strikes and their effectiveness has decreased tremendously. The following figure from Hunter’s report, taken from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, provides us with the evidence: Walter Williams, professor of economics at George Mason University, emphasizes the above in his article â€Å"Where Union Power Lies†. He gives an example of the failed â€Å"air-traffic controllers’ strike during the Reagan administration†. The union in this case was simply not able to prevent the Federal Aviation Administration from employing new workers. Unfortunately, in such instances, unions may tend to violence as a means of eliminating competition. Williams illustrates this during several incidents. Back in 1987, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers struck an Anchorage Alaska utility plant. Non-striking workers were routinely attacked and had their tires slashed. One employee had to move after union members threatened to rape and murder his wife. In his report â€Å"Freedom from Union Violence† released by Cato Institute, David Kendrick, program director at  the National Institute for Labor Relations Research, affirms that there have been 8,799 incidents of violence reported since 1975, with only 258 convictions. Obviously this first disadvantage of union representation impacts not only the individual, but the organization through acts of vandalism and society by victimizing innocent people. Another disadvantage of union representation is discussed by Hunter as â€Å"loss of individuality†. When a union is an exclusive employee representative in a workplace, the employees then become part of a collective bargaining unit where the majority rules. This majority may not be concerned with the individual needs or demands of each employee. Individual agreements between employees and management are not allowed because each employee has to deal with the union. After all, members of a union become part of a collective bargaining unit in which the majority rules, regardless of any affiliate’s best interests. Union leaders often operate based on their self-interest, which basically means expanding union membership regardless of the members’ benefits; they do so to gain more power and even enjoy some of the extra money. Hunter states â€Å"Loss of individuality is of prime concern for many employees, as well as the loss of the opportunity to negotiate for themselves an individual arrangement†. Student assistants at Yale asked to be heard as individuals and not part of a union as they didn’t see union representation as beneficial. Hockfield commented â€Å"†¦individual voices are more effective than that of a union.† â€Å"Many faculty members voiced concerns about the implications of unionization, asking questions about strikes, union dues, and the loss of individuality. Loss of individuality is inevitable when labor unions represent a majority. Another disadvantage of union representation that Hunter discusses is â€Å"cost to employees†. Collective bargaining units require all employees to support the union financially as a condition of their employment. â€Å"Federal law provides that employees may, regardless of the language in the agreement, opt not to formally join the union; however, they may still be required to pay certain dues and initiation fees.† Every union member is required to financially support the union by paying dues, and can face penalties that amount to his/her discharge for failing to do so. That is, the union can demand the discharge of any employee who fails to pay required dues and  fees, unless a right-to-work law has been enacted in the state where the business operates. The costs of union membership differ but the average Michigan union employee pays hundreds of dollars in dues a year. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, â€Å"In 2007, 30 states and the District of Columbia had union membership rates below that of the U.S. average, 12.1 percent, while 20 states had higher rates.† That means that the average cost to union members is above 12.1%. This union representation can be quite costly to employees and in some cases defeats the purpose of fringe benefits. Other disadvantages of labor unions that Hunter argued is â€Å"Penalties by labor unions† employee can be fined or disciplined for involving in activities that violate union code. Such activities include, but are not limited to: crossing strike picket lines, surpassing set production qu otas, and seeking representation by other unions. Unfortunately for union workers, these fines are enforced by the law. This is not the case however for nonunion employees who are exempt from all the declared restrictions. Although Robert Hunter raises excellent points, disadvantages of union representation exceed the individual to adversely affect the society and the economy. With regards to society, Terry Moe, underlines in his article â€Å"EDUCATION: Taking on the Unions† that the teachers’ union have interests that are â€Å"often in conflict with the public interest†. Moe raises the concern that the union does not permit the riddance or even the evaluation of bad teachers, which apparently is not good for the kids and schools. As for the economy and organizations, Thomas Sowell touches on this issue by explaining that union contracts have helped put American automakers at a disadvantage compared to its Japanese competitors, resulting in General Motors â€Å"going from selling about half the cars in the country to selling about one quarter today†. The UAW simply did not exhibit flexibility at a time when change was needed most. The consequences were terrible to the economy and organizations like The Auto industry: numerous plants closing, hundreds of thousands of employees being laid off, the moving of plants to states that have no union control, and the moving of plants overseas. From all of the above, it is easy to conclude that labor unions are a negative social economic force in the United States. Unions simply forgot their main purpose of existence which is to be fair to all parties: workers, companies, and the society. Instead, unions have become like businesses interested in maximizing membership count regardless of consequences. That is why the unionized share of the total U.S. labor force has declined tremendously since the 1970s till our present day. According to Richard Vedder, distinguished professor of economics at Ohio University, replied in an interview with The Austrian Economics Newsletter by â€Å"Americans now realize that we don’t need labor unions† The continuous decline in union membership over the past years serves only to solidify Vedder’s statement. Also, according to Hunter, â€Å"the labor movement will have to add nearly 700,000 members per year just to maintain its current levels of employee representation†.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Greatest Impact on my Life free essay sample

These are my two parents and my cousin. Being my mother it is almost without doubt certain that she had the greatest impact on making who I am today. Being with me almost all the time from day dot, her rules and teachings have grown onto me, making my ways I behave in situations similar to hers. From saying thank you to someone for helping me to knowing what the right and the wrong time is to do things, it all comes down to very deep seeds my mother had planted in my head 15 years ago. My mother’s teachings were very mainstream, teaching me my manners, how to read and all, but the most obvious thing is that she had and still does have a huge influence on is how I respond to things such as building relationship between people. A good example of this is between my mother and I. We will write a custom essay sample on The Greatest Impact on my Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have not had the best relationship with my mother as I would have liked to because we fight all the time but at the end of the day we forgive each other and become friends again. I got this forgiveness trait my mum. This is just one of the many things she has taught and passed on to me. My mother defiantly had a huge influence on the making the man I am today. My father is what I would see as a typical father, he provides money for everything which our family needs. Though this is a good thing it results in him being at home very little and it is hard to spend time with him. Now days it’s not much of a problem for me but as a child when I was soaking every bit of information up, it was hard to comprehend my friends telling me that they always spend time with their dad. This being the case I find it very hard to spend time with my dad now days because I never really have had the time to do so beforehand. Him not being home that often still did not stop him from influencing me though. It might not have been manners or morals but he had a huge impact on other things such as the AFL team I barrack for, my dislike to AFL (forcing me to watch football was not very fun as a child) and teaching me about cars. My farther had an effect on me making me the man I am by

Monday, November 25, 2019

plato and woman essays

plato and woman essays John Locke John Locke was an English philosopher and political theorist during the 1600s. He was also the founder of British empiricism. He is known for his great contribution to the Enlightenment period, in which he gave people the idea of natural rights and a government that protects those rights. John Locke also wrote a famous essay called Concerning Human Understanding and attacked the theory of divine right of kings in Two Treatises of Government. John Locke was a very important philosopher and his ideas effected many people. John Locke was born in Wrinlington, Somerset on August 29,1632. He lived from 1632 to 1704. He was the son of a puritan lawyer who fought for Cromwell in the English civil war. The father also named John Locke was a very devoted man to his work and family and an even-tempered man.John Locke was educated at Westminniser School and Oxford and later became a tutor at the university. His friends urged him to leave the church and start writing all of his great i deas, but John Locke said he was not fit for that calling, so he remained at the Church of England. He had long been interested in Meteorology and the experimental sciences, especially chemistry. He turned to medicine and became one of the most known practitioner of his time (Microsoft). In 1669, Locke became confidential secretary and personal physician to Anthony Ashley Cooper, later Lord Chancellor, and the first earl of Shaftbury. Lockes association with Shaftbury enabled him to meet many of the great men of England, but it also caused him a great deal of trouble. Shaftbury was indicated for high treason, but Locke was suspected of disloyalty. In 1685 he left England for Holland after the revolution of 1688 (Wolterstorff 83). Locke was always very interested in psychology, and in about 1670, some of his friends begged him to write and publish a paper on limitations of human judgment. He started to write a few paragraphs, but 20 years passed befor...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Integrated marketing communications plan for 1 year for small or Assignment

Integrated marketing communications plan for 1 year for small or medium business - Assignment Example Their target market is presumably young people, as they emphasise their youthfulness in all their media, emphasizing that their hierarchical structure is all people under the age of 26, and emphasizing how they want to get young people involved in their mission, and also this is shown by their concentrating their efforts at universities and schools. The weakness lies in what is brought up above – Oaktree does not make financials available. These are numbers that potential donors will look at to decide if their dollars are going to be well-spent, and with Oaktree it would be impossible to tell where donations go, because there is no information about this. As I stated above, their Facebook page is not doing Oaktree any favors either. Although Oaktree regularly posts information into the newsfeed, this information garners very little attention. Very few people comment on any of their postings, and very few people even bother to state that they like the postings. Yet they have 2,700+ followers on Facebook. I am not certain what the problem is there, but they are obviously have problems getting people interested in what they are doing. Their strengths lie in their initiatives. They knock on doors, they partner with other organisations and schools in other countries, they fundraise as part of a global effort. These are all good. Their goals are admirable, and they are clearly stated – they want young people to get involved in the effort to eradicate poverty. It is just the execution of these ideals that leaves much to be desired. The potential competitors for Oaktree are Oxfam and World Vision Australia, both of which have their act together more than Oaktree does. Oxfam has over 40,000 Facebook followers if you combine Oxfam UK with Oxfam USA. Their website is much more user friendly as well. It is easy to navigate, the pages do not take forever to load, and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Linguistic Backgrounds and Writing Skills Research Paper

Linguistic Backgrounds and Writing Skills - Research Paper Example However, the cross tabulation alone canoe be used to do the conclusion. An additional test needs to be conducted, to ascertain the observation. To achieve this factor, I proceeded to conduct a correlation test. The correlation test conducted between English writing achievements and whether one is a first generation American indicated a very small positive correlation of (0.017), at a significance level of 0.906. despite the correlation being a positive value, it is slightly above the zero level, and hence a conclusion can be made that, there is no significant correlation between the person’s achievements in English writing and whether he/ she is a first generation American. From these two test therefore, it is worth concluding that being a native English speaker plays little or no role in the person’s achievements in English writing skills. For this reason, the results of the cross tabulation can be considered valid and consequently leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis. To examine the hypothesis, a descriptive analysis was done on the data. The study required examination of the percentage of the Native Americans who speak other languages. The table below shows the analysis of the group. From the analysis of the data, there were no missing values as shown in the table above. Out of the 100 participants, 53 were first generation Americans. From the analysis of the responses on whether they spoke other languages, 27 of the Natives replied that they do speak other languages. A graphical representation of the analysis is shown in the pie chart below. To examine the validity of this hypothesis, several tests were conducted, with the most vital one being the cross tabulation. The cross-tabulation of whether the respondent is a native speaker and the level to which he/she considers himself/herself a good writer revealed

Monday, November 18, 2019

Report on the Financial State of Affairs of Central Pool and Taff View Assignment

Report on the Financial State of Affairs of Central Pool and Taff View Pool - Assignment Example The important factor for consideration both in the case of Central Pool as well as Taff View is that there seems to be an immediate need for the sales to be enhanced since there is gross underutilization of the operating assets. This is evidenced by the Ratios of Operating Profit to Operating assets and the Sales to Operating assets. As against the ratio of operating assets to operating profit of 21% in the case of Field Park it is 1.55% and 4.60% for Central Pool and Taff View respectively. These ratios are very low. Similarly, the ratio of sales to operating assets is only 1.10%... We can review this report together once you have gone through the basics. We can take up from there for the implementation of any suitable plan of action for the overall financial improvement of the units concerned. The important factor for consideration both in the case of Central Pool as well as Taff View is that there seems to be an immediate need for the sales to be enhanced since there is gross underutilization of the operating assets. This is evidenced by the Ratios of Operating Profit to Operating assets and the Sales to Operating assets. As against the ratio of operating assets to operating profit of 21% in the case of Field Park it is 1.55% and 4.60% for Central Pool and Taff View respectively. These ratios are very low. Similarly, the ratio of sales to operating assets is only 1.10% for Central Pool and 1.34% for Taff View, whereas the same ratio for Field Park is 2.80%. Comparatively the ratios for Central Pool and Taff View are poor. Similarly, the profitability of both Taff View and Central Pool is well below the comparative profitability of Field Park. This is quite obviously exhibited by the operating profit to sales ratio of both facilities. The operating profit to sales ratios stands at 1.41% for Central Pool and 3.44% for Taff View. These are very low as compared to the ratio of 7.60% for Field Park signifying the profitability of both the facilities is not up to the mark.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

An Ecological Viewpoint On Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

An Ecological Viewpoint On Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our surroundings that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. This occurs when only short term ecological gains are made at the cost of long term ecological benefits for humanity. During the last few decades we have polluted our air, water and land on which life itself depends with a variety of waste products. From an ecological point of view, pollutants can be classified as degradable or non-persistent pollutants which can be rapidly broken down by natural process.eg: domestic sewage, discarded vegetables etc., Slowly-degradable or persistent pollutants are pollutants that remain in the environment for many years in an unchanged condition and take decades or longer to degrade.eg:DDT(pesticides) and most plastics. Non-degradable pollutants cannot be degraded by natural processes. Once they are released into the environment they are difficult to eradicate and continue to accumulate.eg: toxic elements like lead or mercury and nuclear wastes. Pollution is a very wide topic. This thesis focuses on two major pollutions- air and water, and explains in detail the causes, effects and control measures. Air pollution occurs due to the presence of undesirable solid or gaseous particles in the air in quantities that are harmful to human health and the environment. The air may become polluted by natural causes such as volcanoes, which release ash, dust, sulphur and other gases, or by forest fires that are occasionally caused by lightening. However, unlike pollutants from human activity, naturally-occuring pollutants tend to remain in the atmosphere for a short time and do not lead to permanent atmospheric change. Air pollution began to increase in the beginning of the twentieth century with the development of transportation systems and large-scale use of petrol and diesel. These severe air quality problems due to the formation of petrochemical smog from the combustion residues of diesel and petrol engines were felt for the first time in Los Angeles. Pollution due to auto- exhaust remains a serious environmental issue in many developed and developing countries, including, India. The air pollution control act in India was passed in 1981 and the motor vehicle act for controlling air pollution was passed very recently. These laws are intended to prevent the air from becoming over polluted. The greatest industrial disaster leading to serious air pollution took place in Bhopal, where the extremely poisonous methyl isocyanides gas was accidently released from the Union Carbides pesticide manufacturing plant, on the night of December 2, 1984. The effects of this disaster on human health and the soil are felt even today. Lead is a major air pollutant that remains largely unmonitored and is emitted by vehicles. High lead levels have been reported in the ambient air in metropolitan cities. Leaded petrol is the primary source of air-borne lead emissions in Indian cities. The use of unleaded petrol is one way of reducing this pollutant. Pollutants are also found indoors from the infiltration of polluted outside air and from various chemicals used or produced inside buildings. The effects of air pollution on living organisms are adverse. Cigarette smoking is responsible for the greatest exposure to carbon monoxide. Exposure to air containing even 0.001% of carbon monoxide for several hours can cause coma and even death. Sulphur dioxide irritates the respiratory tissues; chronic exposure to it causes a condition similar to bronchitis. The acids can become attached to particles which, when inhaled, are very corrosive to the lungs. The widely talked changes in the ozone layer have serious implications for mankind. The effects on human health due to increased UV radiation are sunburn, cataract, aging of the skin and skin cancer. It weakens the immune system by suppressing the bodys resistance to certain infections like measles, chickenpox and other viral diseases that elicit rash and parasitic diseases like malaria introduced through the skin. UV rays also affect the ability of plants to capture light energy during the process of photosynthesis. This reduces the nutrient content and the growth of plants. This is seen especially in the case of legumes and cabbage. Air pollution can be controlled by two fundamental approaches: preventive techniques and effluent control. One of the effective means of controlling air pollution is to have proper equipment in place. This includes devices for removal of pollutants from the flue gases through scrubbers, closed-collection recovery systems, and the use of dry and wet collectors, filters, electrostatic precipitators and so on. Building higher smoke-stacks facilitates the discharge of pollutants as far away from the ground as possible. Industries should be carefully located so as to minimize the effects of pollution after considering the topography and the wind directions. The substitution of raw materials that cause more pollution with those that cause less pollution will also help. Water pollution is when the quality or composition of water changes directly or indirectly as a result of mans activities such that it becomes unfit for any purpose it is said to be polluted. Point sources of pollution are when a source of pollution can be readily identified because it has a definite source and place where it enters the water it is said to come from a point source. E.g.: municipal and industrial discharge pipes. Non-point sources of pollution are when a source of pollution cannot be readily identified, such as agricultural runoff, acid rain etc., There are several classes of common water pollutants. These are disease causing agents which include bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter water from domestic sewage and untreated human and animal wastes. Large amounts of human waste in water increases the number of these bacteria, which cause gastrointestinal diseases. Other potentially harmful bacteria from human wastes may also be present in smaller numbers. Thus, the greater the amount of wastes in the water, the greater is the chance of contracting diseases. The third class of pollutants is inorganic plant nutrients. These are water -soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause the excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants. The quantity of fertilizers applied in a field is often many times more than actually required by plants. The chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides pollute both soil and water. A fourth class of water pollutants is water- soluble inorganic chemicals, which are acids, salts and compounds of toxic metals such as mercury and lead. High levels of these chemicals can make the water unfit to drink, harm fish and other aquatic life, reduce crop yields and accelerate the corrosion of equipment that is in contact with this water. Another cause of water pollution is a variety of organic chemicals, which includes oil, gasoline, plastics, pesticides, cleaning solvents, detergents and many other chemicals. These are harmful to aquatic and human health. They enter the water directly from industrial activity, either from improper handling of chemicals in industries and usually from the improper and illegal disposal of chemical wastes. The foremost necessity of controlling water pollution is prevention. On the other hand, setting up effluent treatment plants to treat wastes can reduce the pollution load in the recipient water. The treated effluent can be reused for either gardening or cooling purposes, wherever possible. A few years ago a new technology, called the Root Zone Process has been developed by Thermax. This system involves running contaminated water through root zones of specially-designed reed beds. To conclude, the responsibility to prevent pollution lies in the hands of every individual. Some concepts that help individuals contribute towards a better quality of our environment and human life are: Try to plant trees wherever you can and more importantly take care of them. They reduce air pollution. From the mail you receive reuse as many envelopes as you can. Use pesticides in your home only when absolutely necessary and use them in small amounts. Some insect species help to keep a check on the populations of pest species. Reduce the use of fossil fuels by either walking short distances or using a car pool, sharing a bike or using public transport. This reduces air pollution. Shut off the lights and fans when not needed. Do not use aerosol spray products and commercial air-fresheners. They damage the ozone layer. Do not pour pesticides, paints, solvents, oil or other products containing harmful chemicals down the drain or onto the ground. Buy consumer goods in refillable glass containers instead of cans or throwaway bottles. Try to avoid asking for plastic carry bags when you buy groceries or vegetables or any other items. Use your own cloth bag instead. Set up a compost bit in your garden to produce manure and reduce use of fertilizers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Experiment Proving Lambert-Eaton Syndrome (LES) Patients Potassium Chan

In order to understand Lambert-Eaton Syndrome (LES), it is first necessary to have a general understanding of the nervous system. The human nervous system is composed of the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes all the neural tissue outside the CNS. PNS is composed of two basic types of neurons (nerve cells): motor neurons and sensory neurons. Motor neurons, the target of LES, are used to send signals from the CNS to the body to stimulate a reaction. The most important of these reactions when discussing LES are muscle contractions. Sensory neurons move information the other way, from the PNS to the CNS, and bring information about the environment to the brain. The nerve itself is composed of a cell body (called a soma), an axon, and dendrites. Nerves send signals using an electrical charge that is passed from the dendrites,to the axon, then to the next cell. This electrical signal, known as a nerve impulse, is created by the movement of ions. Sodium (Na+) ions migrate into the nerve cell because of stimulation from the central nervous system. This creates a net localized positive charge inside the cell, called an action potential. However, the positive charge degrades as it moves through the cell because the ions will diffuse (and then so will the local charge). The nerve cell has devised a mechanism to keep the magnitude of the charge it receives and then later transmits at a constant value. There are a series of nodes along the axon where there is a high concentration of sodium (Na+) and K+ channels. There is a high concentration of Na+ outside the cell and a high concentration of K+ inside the cell. As the nodes sen... ...nts have fewer active zones, which are also less organized and contain less active zone particles. The active zone particles are essential to the human body, because they are the sites from which neurotransmitters are released. Moreover, the active zones particles include the calcium channels that are fundamental to the release of neurotransmitters. Further research of the calcium channels will help scientists to discover the precise cause and effect of LES which will in turn enable them to treat and perhaps find a cure for this disease. Current treatment techniques include the application of cholinesterase inhibitors, which slow down the degradation of neurotransmitters in the synapse, and 4-diaminopyridine, which block potassium channels and increase acetycholine release. This in turn keeps the presynaptic terminal activated for a longer period of time.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mind and Consciousness

Mind and consciousness appears to act as inseparable entities. Daily functions  Ã‚   are taken for granted, not given much thought how everyday habitual patterns work. Television programming, selection of music, newspapers, magazines, people we choose to communicate with and the invitation of outside influences has an overall impact on our conscious minds, eventually. Environments, situations and circumstances seem to be   automatic, these conditions arrived without any conscious effort.   All external factors   entering into minds is in the process of becoming a part of the consciousness, but almost always temporarily. Understanding differences between consciousness and mind is crucial to understanding the environment we are living in, and our daily behavior. Many people say, they would never select to live in the conditions they live, or are associate with their friends, or select other situations they are currently in. This is where the consciousness is separate from the mind. The mind or brain would not accept these predicaments, but the consciousness selected these situations. People valuing their freedom to go out dancing in nightclubs, or go chase their kids or dog in the park chooses to stay in the middle, maybe lower financial income. Millionaires have to keep up a certain image, because someone is always watching. Running with a dog in the park is not considered sophisticated behavior of an outstanding citizen. The consciousness chooses financial status, friends, environments depending on beliefs. It has often been said by many motivational speakers, â€Å"you are what you think.† Over time, repeated thoughts automatically reoccurring become part of the consciousness. People start behaving like the actors they see on television without realizing they changed, or they pick up an accent. Once the consciousness accepted the outside messages, these beliefs become a part of the person, or who the person actually is. The difference between the mind and consciousness is the mind changes, but the consciousness is permanent or takes a long time or repeated programming for a temporary change. â€Å"Consciousness (pure awareness) is who you are, and does not have a physical origin† (Morose, 2004).   Consciousness is much more permanent than the mind. The mind brings us into different environments through jobs, relocations, leaving old friends, meeting new people. Through external changes, we keep our same beliefs, values, feelings; our consciousness. When we leave a place physically, our internal, invisible consciousness goes with us. â€Å"Using the example, Alzheimer’s disease, the brain or mind functions do become partially or totally inaccessible, but consciousness never alters† (Morese). Although the physical body changes, the mind does not. The mind and brain are physical external objects. The conscious mind is the actual soul or internal intentions of the person. Outside appearances are usually an accurate reflection of who they are on the inside. The mind is a fascinating mystery. Scientists conduct numerous studies and research trying to find out more about the minds and consciousness. Naturally, diagnosing physical problems, such as Alzheimer’s, and several forms of brain damage are much easier than unraveling the real mysteries of the mind. Scientists and doctors can see a brain. They cannot see the mind. Much of the conclusions of exactly how the mind works is left up to beliefs, opinions, and study’s of similar patterns. Even when external influences alters personality, it is only for brief periods. For example, a well behaved teen getting mixed up with the wrong crowd intentions will become obvious through any type of discipline or counseling resulting from temporarily choosing the wrong path. The conscious mind is permanent, the mind is changeable. Once external conditions change, the consciousness reveals itself. Source: Morose, (2004) The Separation of Mind and Consciousness; retrieved 13 December 2007 Buzzle.com http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/8-9-2004-57639.asp      

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Clinic management system Essay Essays

Clinic management system Essay Essays Clinic management system Essay Paper Clinic management system Essay Paper Introduction A system is a aggregation of elements that are organized for a common intent. The word sometimes describes the organisation or program itself ( and is similar in intending to method. as in â€Å"I have my ain small system† ) and sometimes depict the parts in the system ( as in â€Å"computer system† ) . A computing machine system consists of hardware constituents that have been carefully chosen so that they work good together and package constituents or plans that run in the computing machine. This construct includes Information System. Information system can be defined as any agencies of pass oning cognition from one beginning to another. and/or from one individual to another. On the other manus. an information system is designed to supply the best possible information to its users. Information systems typically refer to computerise methods of seeking. storing and recovering information. An information system is all about supplying the most useable information needed. and is at that place to authorise users and fit them with the tools to make their occupations most efficaciously. An information system offers a litany of benefits that help to do the procedure of pull offing information easier. Cardinal entree. easy back up. cardinal distribution of information. easy record maintaining. every bit good as easy client trait designation. are merely a few of the benefits offered by an information system. Cardinal entree means all organisation members have one point to entree all organizationally public information and increases efficiency. Having information in a assortment of locations can be cumbersome and do information to be overlooked. With easy back up. the opportunities of lost informations are decreased and organisational staff will be given to endorse up more on a regular basis as the system is easy to voyage. To have the greatest benefit overall. it is of import to understand that it is an adaptable tool that should come on as your concern advancements. Information systems are seldom advanced concern solutions. They are designed to turn with you and heighten your organization’s information bringing in the procedure. In Computer System. It includes database for hive awaying informations and information. Not-for-profit organisations must track information about people including voluntaries. clients. possible givers. current givers. event attendants. who support or who might back up their plans and services. Pull offing this information is important. A database allows you to pull off and utilize an unbelievable assortment of information easy. Databases are easy to set-up. easy to pull strings and easy to utilize. A database allows you to keep order in what could be a really helter-skelter environment. Employees and voluntaries of not-for-profit organisations have to pull off existing resources really carefully. There may non be the resources to engage a full-time database director or a short-run adviser. Initial data base construction can be really basic. easy to utilize and to keep. Databases can be expanded and manipulated as your organisation grows and your resources addition. Background of the Study A Clinic in Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School provides wellness attention for the pupils thru regular physical and nutritionary appraisal. operational instructions and by giving accent on the ideals of a safe. healthy and drug free environment. Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School was conceived simply todecongest the large registration of so Paranaque Municipal High School that was in 1991. This was in under the supervising of Mrs. Rosa V. Sioson. the principal of PMHS. The school was named so PMHS Annex San Martin de Porres. It has a entire figure of 804 freshers and 422 sophomore enrollees with 38 instructors. A two-storey edifice with 16 suites situated along Km. 15 East Service Road. South Super Highway. San Martin de Porres. Paranaque City under the stewardship of Mr. Urbano E. Agustin as Officer-in-charge. was the lone edifice in usage that clip. Steady growing of registration occurred. 1993. because Dr. Filemon S. Salas. so Schools Division Superintendent of Pasay City Division. advocated andrecommended the constitutions of more autonimous municipal high school in Paranaque. school independency is worked out. Through the collaborative attempt of the school disposal. the Parents Teachers Association. the municipal functionaries and the community itself. Audience and hearings were made. Resolution was passed. And with the writing of Atty. Manuel de Guia. municipal councilor an president of commission of Education. a Municipal Ordinance No. 93-10 Series of 1993 was approved doing PMHS-Annex-San Martin de Porres an independent secondary school. The name Dr. Arcadio Santos. a native boy of Paranaque with model repute was adopted. Its immediate liberty benefited much the young person and community of District II specifically Brgy. San Martin de Porres. By 1994. registration tripled. From 1301 in 1993. it rose to 3033. An inflow of instructors besides occured to run into the learning demands of pupils. This was besides the twelvemonth that Department of Education Culture and Sports in conformity with the guidelines in DECS Order NO. . s. of 1989. approved and recognized Dr. Arcadio Santos High School as an independent secondary school. This twelvemonth on September 1. a mass assignment of instructors. 72 points. were given by the local authorities under the mayoral ship of Dr. Pablo Olivarez. September 1 besides became the footing of the jubilation of the school’s foundation twenty-four hours. School Year 1994-1995 sprouted another school in the name of DASHS Masville Annex. Mrs. Virginia B. Vecino was designated officer-in-charge with 167 instructors and about 300 pupils. Due to an ineluctable fortunes nevertheless. it was closed in the same twelvemonth. In 1995. another four-storey edifice with 24 suites was constructed to run into the increasing schoolroom demands of the stud entry under the local fund chaired by so Mayor Olivarez. A twelvemonth after. a two-storey edifice was erected through the state broad Development Fund of Cong. Roilo Golez. The edifice is now utilised as the school library in the 2nd floor and three schoolrooms for THE-I. A. in the land floor. In 1996. DASHS Annex was reopened. This clip it found its oasis at Don Galo in apposition with the Don Galo Elementary School. Mrs. Concepcion Bernaldez. the adjunct school principal. was designated officer-in-charge. It had 330 pupils ; First and Second twelvemonth degree with 16 instructors. In 1997. DASHS annex found its manner back once more toMasville with a entire population of 994. This was upon the completion of a four-storey edifice with 16 suites sponsored by Mayor Joey P. Marquez. In 1998. a complete secondary extension came to existence. Now it has a entire population of 1443 and 34 instructors administrating the demands of the pupil organic structure under the supervising of Dr. Teodulo N. Timtiman. II as Officer-in-charge. The 4th edifice named Golez Building sponsored by Cong. Roilo S. Golez. himself. has found its manner. This is a three-storey building with six schoolrooms and the land floor is an unfastened infinite used for plans and some other particular occasions of the school. August 22. 2000. a major event happened. Dr. Arcadio Santos High was converted into Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School in the City of Paranaque through a Republic Act No. 8844. Thios was made possible through the attempt of no other than the Lone Representative of Paranaque Congressman Roilo Golez. Truly. Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School after a decennary of being has reached its speak of excellence be it academic or construction wise. Its purpose to function par excellence and bring forth a productive and competitory citizen is needed a fruition of being. Statement of the Problem General ProblemThe general job of the survey is the manual operations in bring forthing intervention study and supervising the patient’s complaints. Specific ProblemHow to easy pull off the school clinic intervention record?Using manual system. the assigned clinic staff is difficult for them to pull off. form and bring forth all studies in the clinic particularly in the Treatment Report. How could they supervise the entire figure of complaints and how do they bring forth a study every month? All information of complaints collected will be store in the log book and so they merely make a study before the terminal of the month. How could they give an update to the DEPED ( Department of instruction ) division of Paranaque for the medical supplies needed by the clinic? The Treatment Report will be submitted to the caputoffice to reexamine all the types of complaints and to bring forth a demands of the clinic particularly the medical specialties. Aims of the StudyGeneral AimsThe general aims of the survey are to plan and develop package that will heighten the bing Treatment Report System for a better one. Specific AimsThey can easy pull off their record procedure utilizing the computerized intervention study with supervising patient’s complaints. Pull offing the records daily would be easier with the aid of the proposed system without holding troubles in which the nurse and the tooth doctor can oversee all the demands of medicines for each patient. The proposed system will automatically number the entire figure of complaints every hebdomad. Alternatively of Monthly Report. the nurse and the tooth doctor will bring forth the study hebdomadally by the usage of the proposed system. They can easy update the DEPED ( Division of Paranaque ) sing the medical supplies of the school clinic. By the usage of a proposed system. they can direct petition to the chief office for the medical supply hebdomadally. Scope and the Boundary line ScopeThe range of the survey can enter the pupils and school forces information who admitted inside the school clinic. It can automatically optimise in pull offing all the records together with the medicine demands of the patients. The information including the name. age. grade/year degree. reference. contact figure and etc. . can modify and update the informations by utilizing control choice of the proposed system. The survey is merely for Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School ( clinic ) . It has a security that the School Nurse. School Dentist. pupils or other school forces who can merely entree the system. Besides. utilizing their ain history in the propoed system theNurse and the Dentist can bring forth the studies and can update the information stored in the database. Boundary lineThe proposed system has an history security for the users so that all unauthorised individual outside the school premises are non allowed to utilize. Besides. the pupils and principal are can non bring forth the Treatment Reports and the proposed system does non back up for the online services. Significance of the surveyThe proposed Computerized Treatment Report with Monitoring Patient’s complaint system has the ability to execute with different characteristics such as fast. accurate and user-friendly. For this ground. the proposed system benefits non merely its primary user but besides the advocates. future research workers. and the country’s I. T industry. For the UsersThe premier donee of the proposed system is the User. This system will assist them easy to treat their minutess. Because of this is a friendly user. the job can be easy work out and the minutess done good. Besides the dealing will be enhanced from manual to computerise one. For the AdvocatesThe proposed system besides benefits the proponent’s method of believing. While making the system. each advocate will heighten his cognition and show his ideas or thoughts in order to make and implement a new design and the system public presentation every bit good. The proposed system will besides assist them to analyse the flow of minutess and hint every jobs encountered. For the Future ResearchersThis proposed system will assist the hereafter research workers because it will function as their mention. It will function as their footing in analysing the current position of Monitoring System. Because of this. other advocates will be able to better the said system as they create a new design. For the IT IndustryThe IT Industry will profit this survey because they create coders that can assist them to better and develop more in footings of heightening the latest computerized systems. Conceptual Model Figure 1. 0 shows the bing system for bring forthing a Treatment Report every month. First. the Medical staff will inquire inquiry to the patient which includes Name. Address and Contact Number together with the complaints. All the information gathered are manually Record in the Log Book that serves as a database. After entering all information. the medical staff will now look into if there is an available first assistance medicine for the peculiar complaint. If no. the patient will be transfer to the other clinics and the medical staff will now enter the medical demands inside the school clinic. After a month. the Medical staff will now number all the entire figure of complaints and bring forth a Treatment Report by utilizing a saloon chart. It is struggle for the staff to bring forth a study because of excessively many record stored in Log book. The study will be submitted to the chief office of the Department of Education ( DEPED ) Division of Paranaque and after reexamining the chart. it is the clip to direct a supply of medical specialties into the school. Conceptual Model Figure 1. 1 shows the Computerized System for bring forthing a Treatment Report every hebdomad alternatively of monthly study. First. the Medical staff will inquire inquiry to the patient which includes Name. Address and Contact Number together with the complaints. All the information gathered will type in the proposed system with SQL database. After entering all information. the medical staff will now seek to the database for the available medical specialties. Every hebdomad. the Medical Staff bring forth the Treatment Report by utilizing the proposed system. It is easy for them to carry through the study because it is automatically tally all the complaints records counted saved on the database. Operational Footings:Analysis – the procedure of interrupting down a something into its parts to larn what they do and how they relate to one another. Ailments – a physical upset or unwellness. particularly of a minor or chronic nature. Clinic – a category of medical direction in which patients are examined and discussed Data – factual information ( as measurings or statistics ) used as a footing for concluding. treatment. or computation. Database – a comprehensive aggregation of related informations organized for convenient entree. by and large in a computing machine. Design – to fix the preliminary study or the programs for ( a work to be executed ) particularly to be after the signifier and construction. Input – informations to be entered into a computing machine for processing. the procedure of presenting informations into the internal storage ofa computing machine. Medication – the usage or application of medical specialty. a medicative substance. Monitoring –Supervising activities in advancement to guarantee they are on-course and on-schedule in run intoing the aims and public presentation marks. Output – information in a signifier suitable for transmittal from internal to external units of a computing machine. or to an outside medium. Process – a systematic series of actions directed to some terminal. a uninterrupted action. operation. or series of alterations taking placein a definite mode: Programmer – a individual who writes computing machine package.Programing – is the comprehensive procedure that leads from an original preparation of a computer science job to feasible plans. It involves activities such as analysis. apprehension. and generically work outing such jobs ensuing in an algorithm. Report – is any informational work ( normally of composing. address. telecasting. or movie ) made with the specific purpose in relaying information or telling certain events in a widely presentable signifier. School forces –a organic structure of individuals normally employed in a school. Software – is a aggregation of computing machine plans and related informations that provides the instructions for stating a computing machine what to make and how to make it. SQL – Structured Query Language is a standard computing machine linguistic communication for relational database direction and information use. is used to question.insert. update and modify informations. System Design – is the procedure of specifying the architecture. constituents. faculties. interfaces and informations for a system to fulfill specified demands. Transaction – information processing that is divided into single. indivisible operations. a unit of work performed within a database direction system Treatment – The procedure or mode of handling person or something. C H A P T E R II Review of Related Studies and Literature This Chapter consists of reappraisal related literature and a survey that includes the local and foreign survey to do relevance our survey. It besides discusses the different mentions and text that are relevant to the surveies. Related Literature the research workers cited some of the related literature made by different research workers which are rather similar to the present survey. These related literatures can assist the research workers in analysing the jobs that the present survey will meet in the hereafter. Foreign Literature1. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Clinic Management System. â€Å"Clinic direction is introduced to optimise clinic’s operation. Because of immense alterations in direction presents. direction for clinic is of import due to the widely spread of engineering. † Harmonizing to the cyberspace the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Clinic. This system is proposed for clinic in UniversitiTeknikal Malaysia Melaka ( UTeM ) to pull off the clinic’s operation expeditiously. The procedure in developing the system include patient’s clinic in UTeM. The country consists of the user in clinic which is physician and clinic helper. Basically there are no such systems in the clinic. The system usage before has caused a batch of jobs to the user. Due to that. utilizing manual system seems to be the lone solutions in pull offing the day-to-day plants. The system will assist out the user in the clinic in pull offing the work. 2. On-line Constructions of Metrosexuality and Masculinities. â€Å"A metrosexual can be defined as a adult male who is egotistic in nature. loves his urban life style and is a consecutive adult male who is in touch with his feminine side. † Harmonizing to Matthew Hall on his Cultural Studies On-line Constructions of Metrosexuality and Masculinities. A British journalist named Mark Simpson devised this word. It can be said that any urban male of any sexual orientation who spends a batch of clip and money on his visual aspect and life style is known as a metrosexual. There are a big figure of famous persons out there who are celebrated icons such as David Beckham. Brad Pitt. Robbie Williams. P. Diddy and George Clooney. 3. Mediwise Clinic Management Software â€Å"Mediwise Clinic Management Software is a to the full incorporate solution for the concern and clinical demands of medical medical specialty clinics. † Harmonizing to the cyberspace Cynthia Anderson tells that the Mediwise references of all the facility’s informations processing demands: Patient Accounting. EMR. Referral Management. Scheduling. Case and Encounters Management and Financials. It provides doctors. clinicians. and wellness attention executives with the necessary information to do critical determinations about the patient and the endeavor. Local Literature1. Harmonizing to Dean Francis Alfair. Filipino work forces are passing 1000000s to look and experience good. As was stated in his article. â€Å"Machos in the Mirror† . a metrosexual like himself doesn’t by and large think of himself as vain. but so there’s this incident where Mr. Alfair retrieve from high school: some of his friends were assembled at his house so that they could all sit together to a party. As they were acquiring dressed in their Spandau Ballet-inspired finery ( so the tallness of manner ) . one of the barkada produced. from out of the deepnesss of his bag. a can of mousse. which none of them hapless males had of all time seen or even heard of earlier. Naturally. they all had to force out some into their custodies and smear it on their hair. Not cognizing that they were so supposed to blow-dry or otherwise manner it. they left the house feeling snazzy. while looking reasonably much the same as they had prior to using the mousse at most. their hair was a small damper. mistily crispy in texture. and surely stickier than earlier. But they felt absolutely transformed. 2. Harmonizing to Noel Manucom. caput of planning and scheme at Splash cosmetics. the quest for beauty may besides be perceived as a pursuit for societal equality. â€Å"Filipinos. particularly those in the C and D ( categories ) . are still influenced by their colonial outlook that white tegument and a tall olfactory organ are what those in high society have. † Manucom says. â€Å"They may non be able to afford to hold their nose done. but the desire to hold a fairer tegument can be met by purchasing merchandises. † In fact. the double-digit growing in tegument attention popularity among Filipino males over the last six old ages is mostly attributable to skin-whitening expressions. Pinoys are still devoted to hair attention merchandises and aroma above anything else - with turning involvement in bath washes. unwritten hygiene. and weight loss or addition - yet skin attention is acknowledged to be the chief fuel of the Philippine beauty industry. 3. Harmonizing to Fairview Physician Associates -Medical student-run wellness clinics have become popular plans among medical schools for furthering instruction and community service among pupils. The proliferation of these clinics has non. nevertheless. coincided with a better apprehension of these programs’ impact on medical instruction or public wellness. There are no informations of how many student-run clinics exist or how many schools have one. Foreign Surveies1. Clinics Management System ( CMS ) based on Patient Centered Process Ontology â€Å"A major job faced by today’s health care is the increasing diverseness and distinction. New medical fortes are invariably created: there exist a big figure of functions in patient attention and many different public and private organizations† Harmonizing to Prasad M. Jayaweera ( University of Ruhuna. Sri Lanka ) the procedure oriented concern ontologies are developed in client centered mode in order to develop concern systems applications to supply more and more value added services to aim consumers. This tendency is besides valid in health care sector although there are some limitations and restrictions that can be noticed in Sri Lankan. 2. Patient Management System by Terrence Adam. BS Pharmacy MD PhD â€Å"Any tool used to aids in the bringing of clinical attention from the point of attention induction to completion† Harmonizing to Terrence Adam. involvement in Patient Management Systems with anterior experience as clinical user in pharmaceutics and medical specialty development and rating of a patient monitoring system usage of secondary informations for surveillance applications rating. It is for one halt beginning of information. 3. Computerized Health Records Management System for Kitagata Hospital â€Å"Health records direction is such an of import country in wellness attention bringing because without proper records. planning is rendered difficult† Harmonizing to Charles Namibara. the purpose of his survey was to construct a computerized records direction system that would be more effectual and efficient than the bing manual system in Kitagata Hospital. This was done by looking at the bing wellness records direction system. analyzing its strong and weak points design and execution of a new system. Interviews. observation and document reappraisals were tools used in informations aggregation. MySQL database direction system. Apache waiter. PHP scripting linguistic communication embaded in HTML were used for design. Related SurveiesThe reappraisal of related surveies is an indispensable portion of any probe. Thestudy of the related surveies is a important facet of the planning of the survey. The designation of a job. tyre development of a Research design and finding of the size and range of the attention and strength with which a research worker has examined the literature related to the intended research. Local Surveies1. Clinical Information Management for Divine’s Clinic Malolos City â€Å"Our Journey towards the execution of a Clinical information system to the Critical Care Environment† Harmonizing to the above statement. there have been a important progresss in medical engineering used in patient intervention and attention. The Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) in an acute infirmary is designed to handle the most complex and unstable medical and surgical patient. 2. A Comprehensive Online Clinic Management System â€Å"Online clinic direction system are designed to instantly enter the patients’ information† Harmonizing to the Rosa Sta. Maria the chief job of Villa-Santarromana Dental Clinic is that they have the manual manner on entering. tracking. and pull offing patients petition which sometimes lead to slower dealing within the clients. This survey was aimed to designed and develop an online clinic direction solution that will function as proposal to assist the tooth doctor and staff to salvage clip and resources with the mechanization of its day-to-day clinic operations. 3. Patient Profiling SystemWEST VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY DENTAL CLINIC â€Å"Health is metabolic efficiency. illness is metabolic deficiency† Harmonizing to Ms. Venus Papilota Diaz. information engineering pupil. thatwellness is of import. One topographic point that we can trust on is the so called â€Å"Clinic† that provides primary assistance and attention that will extinguish or at least decrease up our troubles when in hurting. When the dealing of entering the patient’s information is more rapidly it will assist quickly the medical staffs in their purchases to help the Dentist to care for their patients. SynthesisThe Computerized Treatment Report with Monitoring of Patient’s Ailment will assist the school to heighten efficiency and will bring forth accurate study for the clinic.This system provides an mandate for the user to entree the dealing like bring forthing studies and supervising the patients. View as multi-pages

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Apple External Environment Analysis Essay Example

Apple External Environment Analysis Essay Example Apple External Environment Analysis Paper Apple External Environment Analysis Paper Apple Industry Analysis It became successful in the personal company industry because of its incredible innovative products and business strategy. Small computer was the costumer- friendly product that has a clear future vision. Steve Jobs found this market and believe the demand for this market was big. Apple was the most successful initial public offering after Ford Motor Company in 1980. Apple also was the fast company that hit the Fortune 500 in the history. However, Apple nearly goes into bankruptcy by the middle of 1 sass due to he fierce external competition from the IBM and the Microsoft and the internal rapidly growth. In order to stay afloat, apple focused on innovated their personal industry line. This helps Apple became successful ever after. Nowadays, the Apple Company involved in designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers, mobile communication and media devices and portable digital music players. It also sells the relative service, software, third party digital content and applications and etc. The main product included Phone, Pad, Mac, Pod, AppleT/. The professional software applications and pirating system ISO and SO X are also the part of product for the Apple. Apple sells the delivers digital content and application online through Tunes Store, App Store, books Store, and Mac App Store to provide service for the item they sale such as Mac. Customer can buy the entire product through online store, the retail stores, direct sales force that located worldwide. Not only these, customer can buy the Apple product as well as through third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and value-added resellers. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Mission statement According to the information show on the Apple website, there is no clear official Apples mission statement. The following paragraph can be seeing as the mission for the Apple Inc on the Apple Corporation website. Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers on the world, along with SO X, life, rework and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its pods and tunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary phone and App Store, and is defining the future Of mobile media and computing devises with pad. (Apple Inc. Form 0-K, September 28, 2013) This is Apples mission statement because it matches with the characteristics of a mission statement in some parts. During this paragraph, the product, services and the market for Apple has been clearly described. Customer can understand who are they and what they do through this short paragraph. However, in another way, this mission statement is more like a product list. Without list all the product, this mission statement nether mentioned customer nor the value or the purpose for the company. It is clear to see that Apple Corporation is the product-oriented company. Vision statement The vision for the Apple Corporation is also can be seen as its mission statement. Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to student, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 201 3) Unlike the mission statement, the vision statement is clearly customer- oriented. The market, product, customer and the self-concept for the future Apple Corporation has been mentioned in this one sentences. The future path of the Apple is clearly described as to bringing the best personal imputing experience to all the customers. Strategy Based on the vision of Apple Corporation. Company will continue bringing the best product for the customers by innovation. Using unique ability Apple will continue design and improve its own operating system and all the other service, hardware and application to customer. Let the customer enjoy the new product that more easy-to-use and innovated design. Apple Corporation will continue investment in research, design, marketing and advertising. All these investments will play important role at developing and sale the new products. As the part of online store, all the customers who have ISO vices can discover, buy and download application and book from Apple store and book. Third- party application and digital content also are the important parts of tunes store, which provide large number of revenue for Apple Corporation. To expand the discovery and delivery platform for the third- party who provide high quality hardware or software are also parts of strategy. The company believes that knowledgeable salesperson who can transform the value of product has the ability to attract and keep customers. The strategy for the marketing part is included that enhancing and expanding doth online and retail stores to reach more customers and provide them a high-quality buying and post sales experience. (Apple Inc. Form 1 0-K, September 28, 201 3) Strategy objective The financial objective- Continuing working in product innovation to extent the current product lifestyle. Through update the current system or launch the new product to maintain and growth market share and make profit. The customer related objective- the best way to keep loyal customer is by launch new innovative product. Keeping current customer base and extent the new market with the special focus on the developing countries like China ND India will help Apple Corporation win the competition with the competitors. External Macro environment analysis Political Factors: Apple Corporation manages its business based on the geography base, which are general based on the location of its customers. Nowadays, Apple has retail store in 13 countries and sell their product through reseller and other ways all over the world. According to the annual report of 2013, the domestic and international sales accounted for 39% and 61 %. The international market plays an important role for Apple Corporation. Wars, disasters, bad global relations and terrorism can affect business. In order to inter the foreign market, the company activity is affected by the local laws and regulation. For example, tax import and export requirement, intellectual property, labor, ownership and infringement, foreign exchange controls, environment and etc. Those policy are different in different countries. In some of the countries, to enter the market may need to do the additional testing, product modifications, delays in product shipping dates, or decline product from the product list. All these will increase the operation cost and affect the sales of Apple product. As the policy may consistent change, in the future, the cost of ongoing business will continue increase. Any delay the introduction of new product caused by the changes of law or regulation has the possible result that product or service are less attractive to the customer even worst may damage the Apple image in its customers and retailers. Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Economic Factors In the past few years, the worlds economy starts getting better from the recession. But the inflation rate still high, while the earning for the customers did not change. The unemployed rate is increase in many countries. Due to all these reason, customers purchasing power may reduce. People trend to Penn less and do not buy the product that is experience. According to the finance data provide by the Apple annual report, the net income of 201 3 (37,037 million) was less than the 2012(41 , 733 million). (Apple Inc. Form 1 0-K, September 28, 2013) The sales in some product are decreased. During the economic recession period, currency exchange rate become volatile. Apple using the margins on sales of the products in foreign countries to paid the foreign suppliers. Using this way to minimum the affect of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. Social Factors As the global warming become more and more serious. Environmental retention problem become major issues in many countries. Some of them are where Apple operates. Most of the Apple product is produced outside the American. For example, phone is mainly produced in China. However, in the past few years, as the people and government in China are start consider the environment issues that caused by the manufacturers. And the labor cost has increased in China. The total cost for producing phone has consistent Increase. Technology Factors: Apple Corporation is in the market that has fast technology changes, no matter for personal computer, mobile phone and all the other electronic products. All of products are facing the heavy competition to the other companies such as Samsung. The characters of the technical industry are short product life period, need to introduce new product frequently and need to improve product performances frequently. In order to facing the rapidly changes in this industry, companies need to spend lots of money on research, design and development. However, this is good for Apple Corporation as they are using the unique operation system that designed by themselves. Macro- environment affect industry Environment Apple Corporation are belong to the electronic industry, which is the industry hat worth billions of dollars. More and more people work and daily life communication are relay on the consumer electronic such a computer and mobile phone. The size of the electronic manufacturers continues increase. The electronic wastes are coming with the development of industry. The electronic devices are usually made by the toxic materials that are very hard to recycle. In one year, over 3 million tone electronic waste are produced in the United States. (ERA. ) Its clearly to see that in todays society people are trend to be more environmental friendly. Not only the material that use to make the electronic vices need to be save, but also the other materials. Currently, the people in the industry are trying to design the sustainable electronics to help reduce the wastes. Tim Cook reveals his vision of industry. The future of the electronic industry is to use greener materials, less packaging, keep electronic product out of the landfills. Cay Yard, 2014) Demographics Currently, the customer for the electronic devices like computer and mobile phone are the young people at age between 18 and 35. Its turn out that lots of company are forgot a important market-the middle age adult. The adult in he age between 40 and 60 should be the major market as most of them are earning money. Nowadays, with the technology development people are forced to use electronic devices. Especially for the middle age people who has a job. Those people are willing to buy the product for the work and start learning technology. Middle age is the group of people that has the highest purchasing power no matter in what time. After ten years, the young people at age of 18 to 35 are growing to the middle age and start work. This group of people is both familiar with all the electronic device and have money will revive much more revenue for the electronic industry. The developing countries like China also have a potential to growth in the future. Based on the population of those developing countries, the major market for the electronic industry in the future will transform from developed countries to the developing countries. Economic Electronic industry is one of the fastest developing industries in the world. In some way, it is driving the economy groom. Electronic is important for almost every major industry in the world. The trend for the global industry is to become more and more automated. The productivity for the electronic industry or the information technology industry will increase much more than the other industry, especially in the developing country where skilled labor are experience. Porters Five Forces model Rivalry Among Existing Competitors- Strong The electronic and information technology industry are both well know as the fast growth industry. The competition between companies is strong. This is the reason why the larger companies for the industry are less. The threat of existing competitors is very high for the Apple. The company is now operating three major markets: personal computer, mobile phone and the music players. For the personal computer area, Apple needs to compete with the big company like Dell, Toshiba, HP and etc. Apple using its unique operation system successful occupied parts of the market. However, as the difference of the market strategy, all the company is focus on different market. For the mobile phone area, Apple has to compete the big companies like Samsung and Blackberry. For the music player area, Apple occupied 72% of the market. Cole, 2013) However, the competitors like Sony are continue improve themselves. The only way to keep all the market share is to consistently improve and provide new product. In the future, as the market for the industry are moving from the developed countries to the developing countries, how to win the competition without lower price will be the top issue that Apple should work with. Bargaining Power of Buyers Strong For the Apple Corporation, the buyers will be almost every one in the world. According to the large customer base, its clearly to say that the bargaining power of buyers is strong. There are so many choices for buyers. (different brand that provide the similar product. ) Customers can easily switch between the brands. The individual buyer often knows the basic information for the reduce. These group of customer looking for the computer that has high quality but lower price. The bargaining powers for them are moderate. Apple is mainly targeting the customers that have academic institute, colleges and schools students, and retail buyers. School and some other organization is the big buyer for the apple computer area. Their bargaining power as a buyer is high. As the technology industry contain uses development, the new buyer come into the market. This large number of customers may change the current market. But one thing fall not change is that the power is control by the customers. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Weak Expect the suppliers like Intel. The bargaining power for the suppliers is low. For the big company like Apple, there are thousands of suppliers want to establish the relationship with it. For the suppliers, the competition be;en their own industries is strong. The low enter requirement caused lots of new enter. However, its hard to get large order since the existing relationships between current suppliers and company. Apple has lots of choices, the number of satisfaction substitute suppliers are many. The cost for Apple switch the supplier from one to another is low. The bargaining power for Apple as the buyer is strong, which sometime can influence the price for the product. Not only Apple as a buyer can influence the price, the price competition between the suppliers will also lower the price, which lower the cost for Apple. Currently, people are start pay more attention on the environment protection. According to Tim Cooks vision Of environment, the current supplier may have to become even greener to maintain the relationship with Apple. Threat of New Entrants moderate The electronics industry keep attracting to the new enter with its rapid growth and increasing customer base. In another way, the industry are not attracting ewe enter as they are enter to the mature market that have to face the fierce competition. The giant player like Apple, Dell, Samsung are in the market and control the most of market. Its hard to compete with these companies. To enter the high-tech industry the capital requirement are relatively high. The giant company like Apple are already controlled the supply and marketing channel. It is hard for a new enters get assessing to those channel. Another important parts is that in the current market, customer are usually loyalty to the larger and old brand. This is the challenge for the new enter to et market share from the well-know competitors. Threat from Substitutes moderate The threat from the substitutes is moderate for Apple. There is not much product can substitute the electronic devices like computer, smartened and music player. However for some of people, they do not need these entire products especially for the elder people. They may more like to read news on newspaper rather than on the websites and writing on the paper rather than taping on Computer. The traditional way is the substitute for this industry. However, as the industry continually developing the threat from this part will consistently decrease.