Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mr Joseph Free Essays
UNIT 5001 – PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AS A MANAGER AND LEADER EA Unit 5001 v01 Page 1 of 4 | LEARNING OUTCOMES |ASSESSMENT CRITERIA | |1. Be able to assess and plan for personal professional development |1. 1 Explain the importance of continual self-development in | |800 words |achieving organisational objectives | | |1. We will write a custom essay sample on Mr Joseph or any similar topic only for you Order Now Assess current skills and competencies against defined | | |role requirements and organisational objectives | | |1. 3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and | | |future defined needs | | |1. Construct a personal development plan with achievable | | |but challenging goals | |2. Be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional |2. 1 Identify the resources required to support the personal | |development . |development plan | | |2. Develop a business case to secure the resources to | |D |support the personal development plan | |3. Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan |3. 1 Discuss the processes required to implement the personal| |include copy of appraisal |development plan | |Look at advantages and disadvantages of doing the self development |3. Evaluate the impact of the personal development plan on | | |the achievement of defined role requirements and | | |organisational objectives | | |3. Review and update the p ersonal development plan | | | | | | | | | | Be able to promote healthy and safe working practices |4. 1 Discuss the relationship(s) between healthy and safe | | |working practices and organisational objectives | | |4. 2 Explain the process for conducting a risk assessment | | |4. Identify the actions taken by the manager in dealing | | |with a breach in healthy and safe working practices | | |4. 4 Describe how to communicate responsibilities for healthy| | |and safe working practices to the team | | |4. Discuss relevant records that are maintained to | | |demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met | My name is Karl Joseph and I am Contract Manager working for Hygiene Group at Walkers Snack Foods in Peterlee. I lead a team of 4 supervisors and 36 operatives and in my role I manage day to day industrial cleaning within the plant, and manage Health Safety, Personnel issues, Quality Standards. I also plan and organise daily and weekly activities, training e tc and also complete daily records and sign off. Other duties include maintaining existing business and assist in developing new business with the client and I work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise budgetary requirements and follow and maintain company procedures and safe working practices. In this report I will be looking at being able to assess and plan for personal professional devlopment, Be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional development, Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan, Be able to promote healthy and safe working practices. | | | | | | | The importance of continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives is to improve knowledge and understanding within my role and to progress as a manager to suit individual and meet business needs. Our company objectives that we will treat our staff as individuals, training, promoting and involving them in changing the business. For example I have done external training such as : IOSH managing Safety which has helped my objectives as I have passed on my knowledge to staff within Health Safety within briefings and have also reviewed and updated risk assessments to suit site specific tasks. This has helped my objexctives by reducing accidents on site and increasing near misses along with staff having a better understanding of Health Safety and working safer within their role. Self development is important for example. Training within new equipment that we have on site. Skills to recruit the best staff for the job Consequences of having no training at all would be more accidents. Also we will seek mutual dependence with our individual clients and we will also expand our client base and develop independent strength in the marketplace and we also wish to be the leading suplier of cleaning services within the food industry. Growth and success in the ever-changing world of work is increasingly about individuals taking responsibility for their personal development. Our evolving culture requires that individuals be accountable for self-direction, to practice self-management of their own learning and to actively search for wider experience and opportunity. This does not take place in isolation. The self-development process should also bring direct benefit to the team in which the individual works and the organisation as a whole. My role requirements are as follows : Performance Standards This job profile relates to a Contract Manager whose performance standards will be measured against agreed targets in the following four critical areas: Business Development Human Resources Good Service Practice Finance and Administration These critical areas of the job requirements will be referred to as Key Result Areas (KRAs). Using the descriptive competency sets relating to each KRA a consistent subjective analysis of performance can be reached. |Man manage contract supervision |Good at managing this | |Maintain existing client business and assist in developing new | | |business with the client. |Good at this and just secured a new contract | |Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise | | |budgetary requirements. | |Ensure operation of the contract and one-off work is in line |Working within budget and avoiding overspends. | |with the company procedures and be responsible for company | | |assets and facilities. |All staff are trained and work to company procedures by | |Oversee training requirements of service and supervisory staff. |supervising. | |Embrace new developments and co-operate in introducing change | | |within the service contract. | | | | | |Training completed by supervisors and staff from training | | |co-ordinator of which I have regular meetings with co-ordinator| | |and set out training plan. | |Introducing cleaning equipment to achieve better standards. | |Involve staff at all levels to maximise the benefits to the |Regular meetings with staff, supervisors and senior managers | |organisation. | | |Be incisive and strong willed in focusing upon regional goals |Not sure what this is. | |and understand that leadership needs are linked to the Regional| | |Business Plan. | |Be confident and able to lead through a variety of situations. |Leading through chairing Health Safety meetings | |Enable others to develop their leadership styles and |External training Train the trainer and Team leader training | |competencies. | | |Ensure the regional objectives are understood by all |Regional objectives set out in appraisals to all | Understand medium to long-term issues for the current |No current issues | |client. | | |Ensure satisfaction is achieved in all aspects of the |Satisfaction surveys carried out six monthly and kpi | |service and work to wards the renewal of the existing |meetings monthly | |contract. | |mplement sales procedures and ensure new work is carried |Costs implemented through manning hours and train and | |out satisfactorily by the service teams. |supervise all new work | |Assist in achieving long-term objectives and developing |Through key performance indicators | |new business with the existing client. | | Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise |Regularly monitor and review cleaning equipment and keep to | |budgetary requirements. |strict spending costs | |Develop staff who understand the operational procedures and are|Training involved with supervisors and training co-ordinator | |able to work towards the aims and goals of the region. | | |Embrace ideas and opportunities to ensure profitability is |Look at different methods within cleaning that could be more | |maintained or increased. cost effective | |Participate in all aspects of forecasting and budgeting and |Forecasting costs, wages, cleaning materials to ensure | |work to ensure that Hygiene’s minimum objectives are met. |objectives are met | |Participate in the preparation and presentation of monthly |Prepare , timesheets and wage tracker and budget costs for | |accounts. cleaning materials for account manager | |Anticipate the needs of the client and advise upon the most |Regular meetings with client to advise | |effective methods of carrying out tasks. | | |Ensure operation of the contract and one-off work is in line |Assess one of tasks before commencing making sure in line with | |with the company procedures and be responsible for the |company procedures and maintain assets and facilities | |associated company assets and facilities. | |Audit contract work on a scheduled basis to produce Key |Hygiene Audits, Health Safety audits, lock off audits | |Performance Indicators (KPIs) and recommendations for | | |improvement. | | |Where necessary introduce change to improve regional |Introducing new tools to the business | |capability, capacity and excellence. | |By monitoring schedules on a regular basis, carry out reviews |Reviews carried out every month at site meetings with client. | |of the service process to evaluate delivery and recognise | | |mistakes. | | |Ensure all operations satisfy the standards set out in Good |Work to achieve Grade A within our GSP audits | |Service Practice and encourage staff to do the same. | |Ensure buildings, offices, equipment and vehicles are |Daily cleaning of offices and buildings | |maintained. | | |Oversee training requirements of service and supervisory | | |staff. | |Give training support to cover training and development |Evaluate training and development to measure the benefit | |needs. |to the business and the individual. | | | | |Review the skill base and needs across the contract and |Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are | |the Regional Business Plan to determine basic and |enrolled upon an internal d evelopment programme. |longer-term requirements. | | Embrace new developments and co-operate in introducing change within the service contract. Be realistic and constructive in implementing new processes, methods and procedures and plan to use these effectively. Be aware of future competitive advantage and technological change. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changes in emphasis, or aspects of, the regional business requirements. On the basis of this I have assessed my own skills and competencies within my role and I meet all the above criteria as I have received all training within my responsibilities and all of these standards are met other than regional business plan which I am not sure of. |Review the skill base and needs across the contract and the |Monitoring procedures and safe working practices across the | |Regional Business Plan to determine basic and longer-term |contract and set out a training plan that is generic through | |requirements. the business to individuals in order to achieve basic and long | | |term requirements. | |Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are |I provide staff training to individuals within theory and | |enrolled upon an internal development programme. |practice in working procedures, Health and Safety, and company | | |safe working practices through appraisals. | From this table and assessment then you can identify what development opportunities you have now and those needed in the future and this would allow you to produce a personal development plan eg: |What I need to learn |How I will achieve this |When I will complete it by | |Advanced food hygiene |Course |Oct 2013 | |Management Diploma |By completing all set tasks |31-08-2013 | Personal Development Plan – Karl Joseph 2013 | |Areas to be Developed |Relevant Training |Output |Support | |Heighten personal profile |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J. needs to attend planning/briefing |C. J. to attend a number of meetings with K. J. and | |with key stakeholders on |Leadership – Working productively meetings for the major clean days and |provide guidance on delivery of information | |site |with colleagues and stakeholders |provide an overview of Hygiene’s | | | | |planned activities | | |Publicise cleaning plans |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J to issue daily work/update plan to |C. J. to work with K. J. o understand the key | |to keep all stakeholders |Leadership – Developing and |be publicised on Hygiene information |information required by the Walkers team and | |informed |evaluating operational plans for |board |develop an appropriate format for the plan | | |own area of responsibility | | | |Make more time available |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J. to dedicate more time to |C. J. to work with K. J. to identify all tasks that | |to oversee staff |Leadership -Providing leadership |overseeing the cleaning process on |can be delegated to Ivana to release more time to | | |and direction for own area of |major clean days and be more visible to|oversee work in progress. Also to provide guidance| | |responsibility Planning change |Hygiene and Walkers teams |on how to structure any necessary changes. | |in own area of responsibility | | | |Improve Health Safety |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J. to undertake a project to identify|K. F. to support K. J. in the development of this | |management |Leadership -Managing Health |any potential â€Å"weak spots†particularly|project, and C. J. to assist K. J. n producing and | | |Safety across an organisation |relating to staff behavioural issues, |implementing the plan to address â€Å"weak spots†| | | |and put a plan in place to address | | Resources needed to support the PDP will communications with other members of the planning meetings such as the engineering manager and the hygiene specialist and also the planning scheduler. I will also need resource from Carl Jones to help me develop in all other areas. I will achieve these by getting support from my line manager within my next appraisal Which I will need funding costs in order to achieve these and I will need time off work on a weekly basis in order to achieve. Business Case to secure the resources for the personal development plan The goal of staff development is improvement in staff and organizational effectiveness. This is a process that affects interpretations of job requirements, relationships with colleagues, and perspectives on the methods of education. Staff development occurs in a social context and emphasizes teamwork, built on a foundation of collaboration. Staff development is a process that demonstrates the commonness of purpose of all staff and the crucial nature of individual knowledge and skills to perform assigned duties in relation to the achievement of these larger goals. Benefits in doing these for the company would be to pass on my knowledge within management, Health and Safety and food hygiene to supervisors and service staff and also further training for them and also to benefit the client as this gives me a broader understanding within food hygiene within the food industry. I have developed a business case which is to attend a advanced food hygiene course with HSF training for the cost of ? 425 plus VAT IN September 2013 so I can achieve this qualification Advantages of self development are : Train all staff within Level 1 of Food Hygiene Safety. More knowledge of the below in order to increase confidence with the client : †¢ Introduction to Food Safety †¢ Contamination hazards and control (microbiological, chemical, physical, allergenic) †¢ Bacteriology †¢ Food poisoning and food borne disease and its control †¢ Non-bacterial food poisoning and its control (chemical, metal, fish, poisonous plants) †¢ Personal hygiene controls and management †¢ Pest control †¢ Education and training of food handlers HACCP and controls from purchase to service †¢ Management control techniques and developing a food safety culture †¢ Overview of food safety legislation Disadvantages are as follows. Week taken from work to do course so loss of management on site which could cause a number of issues on site without management cover. My personal development will be reviewed and updated through my appraisal with carl jo nes account manager for hygiene group and we have also set targets that all the above will be completed by October 2013 with regular reviews set out. Myself and Carl Jones will discuss and agree work objectives and they will be measured by the support of Alan Ridley Hygiene Specialist The relationship between health safe working practices and organisational objectives within our business are good as our objectives are to give all our staff all the correct training and involving them in change within the business that is closely linked to our safe working practices as all staff are trained to these safe working practices which helps us reach our objectives. Our other health and safety objectives are closely monitored and are set by our client within our KPI’S Which are accidents, near misses, hipo’s and high risks activites were we need to improve year on year and these all involve our health and safety working practices on site, again training is need with staff in order to achieve these objectives. A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business too if output is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risks. Identify the hazards Decide who might be harmed and how Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Record your findings and implement them Review your assessment and update if necessary A risk that we had in the past was that we were using goggles to protect your eyes from chemical splashes which could seriously burn and cause permanent damage. I then reviewed the risk assessment and conducted a new one for the use of chemicals as I found there was more risks involved as chemical could also splash onto the skin causing burns also so I identified the hazards and put in control measures which was to use face visors and neck and chin guards as well as the use of chemical suits, gloves and Wellingtons to prevent burns to the body which eliminated the risks. I have identified and evaluated control measures that have been put in place within our organisation which was to wear a face visor at all times and not goggles when using corrosive chemicals and also a chin and neck guard so it eliminates any risk of the chemical splashing any part of the body which could cause severe burns. As a manager we have recently had one guy working for us who was fully trained within this safe working practice within working safely with chemicals and the wearing of hard hat and face visor but due to a behavioural issue he decided not to follow this practice and wore in incorrectly which resulted in temporary chemical burns to his eyes. A accident investigation was carried out and he received a warning for this due to not following company safe working practices. He also received further training and all other service staff were briefed on the accident that occurred and were re trained within working safely with chemicals. With regards to responsibilities for health and safety working practices to my team I communicate this at our S. A. T meetings were we have four members of our team that spend 1 full day each month reviewing health and safety working practices and updating were needed and then I communicate with the rest of the team on a monthly basis their responsibilities within their role for the task that they are carrying out. I also have a safety marshal on a daily basis with whom I liase with and brief so he can delegate health and safety working practices for our high risk tasks which is lock off, working at height, chemicals, confined space and roof work. Relevant records that are maintained to demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met are our sign off sheets were we have a working procedure with regards to what we are cleaning and how to clean and on this procedure and a health and safety practice on the procedure. We then have staff trained to this procedure and signed to say they have full knowledge of how to clean it and to follow the health and safety practicce and once complete they sign off our sign off sheet to say they have followed the correct procedures after commencement of cleaning of each clean that they do and this is cross referenced against quality and training How to cite Mr Joseph, Essay examples Mr Joseph Free Essays UNIT 5001 – PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AS A MANAGER AND LEADER EA Unit 5001 v01 Page 1 of 4 | LEARNING OUTCOMES |ASSESSMENT CRITERIA | |1. Be able to assess and plan for personal professional development |1. 1 Explain the importance of continual self-development in | |800 words |achieving organisational objectives | | |1. We will write a custom essay sample on Mr Joseph or any similar topic only for you Order Now Assess current skills and competencies against defined | | |role requirements and organisational objectives | | |1. 3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and | | |future defined needs | | |1. Construct a personal development plan with achievable | | |but challenging goals | |2. Be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional |2. 1 Identify the resources required to support the personal | |development . |development plan | | |2. Develop a business case to secure the resources to | |D |support the personal development plan | |3. Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan |3. 1 Discuss the processes required to implement the personal| |include copy of appraisal |development plan | |Look at advantages and disadvantages of doing the self development |3. Evaluate the impact of the personal development plan on | | |the achievement of defined role requirements and | | |organisational objectives | | |3. Review and update the p ersonal development plan | | | | | | | | | | Be able to promote healthy and safe working practices |4. 1 Discuss the relationship(s) between healthy and safe | | |working practices and organisational objectives | | |4. 2 Explain the process for conducting a risk assessment | | |4. Identify the actions taken by the manager in dealing | | |with a breach in healthy and safe working practices | | |4. 4 Describe how to communicate responsibilities for healthy| | |and safe working practices to the team | | |4. Discuss relevant records that are maintained to | | |demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met | My name is Karl Joseph and I am Contract Manager working for Hygiene Group at Walkers Snack Foods in Peterlee. I lead a team of 4 supervisors and 36 operatives and in my role I manage day to day industrial cleaning within the plant, and manage Health Safety, Personnel issues, Quality Standards. I also plan and organise daily and weekly activities, training e tc and also complete daily records and sign off. Other duties include maintaining existing business and assist in developing new business with the client and I work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise budgetary requirements and follow and maintain company procedures and safe working practices. In this report I will be looking at being able to assess and plan for personal professional devlopment, Be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional development, Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan, Be able to promote healthy and safe working practices. | | | | | | | The importance of continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives is to improve knowledge and understanding within my role and to progress as a manager to suit individual and meet business needs. Our company objectives that we will treat our staff as individuals, training, promoting and involving them in changing the business. For example I have done external training such as : IOSH managing Safety which has helped my objectives as I have passed on my knowledge to staff within Health Safety within briefings and have also reviewed and updated risk assessments to suit site specific tasks. This has helped my objexctives by reducing accidents on site and increasing near misses along with staff having a better understanding of Health Safety and working safer within their role. Self development is important for example. Training within new equipment that we have on site. Skills to recruit the best staff for the job Consequences of having no training at all would be more accidents. Also we will seek mutual dependence with our individual clients and we will also expand our client base and develop independent strength in the marketplace and we also wish to be the leading suplier of cleaning services within the food industry. Growth and success in the ever-changing world of work is increasingly about individuals taking responsibility for their personal development. Our evolving culture requires that individuals be accountable for self-direction, to practice self-management of their own learning and to actively search for wider experience and opportunity. This does not take place in isolation. The self-development process should also bring direct benefit to the team in which the individual works and the organisation as a whole. My role requirements are as follows : Performance Standards This job profile relates to a Contract Manager whose performance standards will be measured against agreed targets in the following four critical areas: Business Development Human Resources Good Service Practice Finance and Administration These critical areas of the job requirements will be referred to as Key Result Areas (KRAs). Using the descriptive competency sets relating to each KRA a consistent subjective analysis of performance can be reached. |Man manage contract supervision |Good at managing this | |Maintain existing client business and assist in developing new | | |business with the client. |Good at this and just secured a new contract | |Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise | | |budgetary requirements. | |Ensure operation of the contract and one-off work is in line |Working within budget and avoiding overspends. | |with the company procedures and be responsible for company | | |assets and facilities. |All staff are trained and work to company procedures by | |Oversee training requirements of service and supervisory staff. |supervising. | |Embrace new developments and co-operate in introducing change | | |within the service contract. | | | | | |Training completed by supervisors and staff from training | | |co-ordinator of which I have regular meetings with co-ordinator| | |and set out training plan. | |Introducing cleaning equipment to achieve better standards. | |Involve staff at all levels to maximise the benefits to the |Regular meetings with staff, supervisors and senior managers | |organisation. | | |Be incisive and strong willed in focusing upon regional goals |Not sure what this is. | |and understand that leadership needs are linked to the Regional| | |Business Plan. | |Be confident and able to lead through a variety of situations. |Leading through chairing Health Safety meetings | |Enable others to develop their leadership styles and |External training Train the trainer and Team leader training | |competencies. | | |Ensure the regional objectives are understood by all |Regional objectives set out in appraisals to all | Understand medium to long-term issues for the current |No current issues | |client. | | |Ensure satisfaction is achieved in all aspects of the |Satisfaction surveys carried out six monthly and kpi | |service and work to wards the renewal of the existing |meetings monthly | |contract. | |mplement sales procedures and ensure new work is carried |Costs implemented through manning hours and train and | |out satisfactorily by the service teams. |supervise all new work | |Assist in achieving long-term objectives and developing |Through key performance indicators | |new business with the existing client. | | Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise |Regularly monitor and review cleaning equipment and keep to | |budgetary requirements. |strict spending costs | |Develop staff who understand the operational procedures and are|Training involved with supervisors and training co-ordinator | |able to work towards the aims and goals of the region. | | |Embrace ideas and opportunities to ensure profitability is |Look at different methods within cleaning that could be more | |maintained or increased. cost effective | |Participate in all aspects of forecasting and budgeting and |Forecasting costs, wages, cleaning materials to ensure | |work to ensure that Hygiene’s minimum objectives are met. |objectives are met | |Participate in the preparation and presentation of monthly |Prepare , timesheets and wage tracker and budget costs for | |accounts. cleaning materials for account manager | |Anticipate the needs of the client and advise upon the most |Regular meetings with client to advise | |effective methods of carrying out tasks. | | |Ensure operation of the contract and one-off work is in line |Assess one of tasks before commencing making sure in line with | |with the company procedures and be responsible for the |company procedures and maintain assets and facilities | |associated company assets and facilities. | |Audit contract work on a scheduled basis to produce Key |Hygiene Audits, Health Safety audits, lock off audits | |Performance Indicators (KPIs) and recommendations for | | |improvement. | | |Where necessary introduce change to improve regional |Introducing new tools to the business | |capability, capacity and excellence. | |By monitoring schedules on a regular basis, carry out reviews |Reviews carried out every month at site meetings with client. | |of the service process to evaluate delivery and recognise | | |mistakes. | | |Ensure all operations satisfy the standards set out in Good |Work to achieve Grade A within our GSP audits | |Service Practice and encourage staff to do the same. | |Ensure buildings, offices, equipment and vehicles are |Daily cleaning of offices and buildings | |maintained. | | |Oversee training requirements of service and supervisory | | |staff. | |Give training support to cover training and development |Evaluate training and development to measure the benefit | |needs. |to the business and the individual. | | | | |Review the skill base and needs across the contract and |Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are | |the Regional Business Plan to determine basic and |enrolled upon an internal d evelopment programme. |longer-term requirements. | | Embrace new developments and co-operate in introducing change within the service contract. Be realistic and constructive in implementing new processes, methods and procedures and plan to use these effectively. Be aware of future competitive advantage and technological change. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changes in emphasis, or aspects of, the regional business requirements. On the basis of this I have assessed my own skills and competencies within my role and I meet all the above criteria as I have received all training within my responsibilities and all of these standards are met other than regional business plan which I am not sure of. |Review the skill base and needs across the contract and the |Monitoring procedures and safe working practices across the | |Regional Business Plan to determine basic and longer-term |contract and set out a training plan that is generic through | |requirements. the business to individuals in order to achieve basic and long | | |term requirements. | |Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are |I provide staff training to individuals within theory and | |enrolled upon an internal development programme. |practice in working procedures, Health and Safety, and company | | |safe working practices through appraisals. | From this table and assessment then you can identify what development opportunities you have now and those needed in the future and this would allow you to produce a personal development plan eg: |What I need to learn |How I will achieve this |When I will complete it by | |Advanced food hygiene |Course |Oct 2013 | |Management Diploma |By completing all set tasks |31-08-2013 | Personal Development Plan – Karl Joseph 2013 | |Areas to be Developed |Relevant Training |Output |Support | |Heighten personal profile |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J. needs to attend planning/briefing |C. J. to attend a number of meetings with K. J. and | |with key stakeholders on |Leadership – Working productively meetings for the major clean days and |provide guidance on delivery of information | |site |with colleagues and stakeholders |provide an overview of Hygiene’s | | | | |planned activities | | |Publicise cleaning plans |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J to issue daily work/update plan to |C. J. to work with K. J. o understand the key | |to keep all stakeholders |Leadership – Developing and |be publicised on Hygiene information |information required by the Walkers team and | |informed |evaluating operational plans for |board |develop an appropriate format for the plan | | |own area of responsibility | | | |Make more time available |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J. to dedicate more time to |C. J. to work with K. J. to identify all tasks that | |to oversee staff |Leadership -Providing leadership |overseeing the cleaning process on |can be delegated to Ivana to release more time to | | |and direction for own area of |major clean days and be more visible to|oversee work in progress. Also to provide guidance| | |responsibility Planning change |Hygiene and Walkers teams |on how to structure any necessary changes. | |in own area of responsibility | | | |Improve Health Safety |CMI Level 5 in Management |K. J. to undertake a project to identify|K. F. to support K. J. in the development of this | |management |Leadership -Managing Health |any potential â€Å"weak spots†particularly|project, and C. J. to assist K. J. n producing and | | |Safety across an organisation |relating to staff behavioural issues, |implementing the plan to address â€Å"weak spots†| | | |and put a plan in place to address | | Resources needed to support the PDP will communications with other members of the planning meetings such as the engineering manager and the hygiene specialist and also the planning scheduler. I will also need resource from Carl Jones to help me develop in all other areas. I will achieve these by getting support from my line manager within my next appraisal Which I will need funding costs in order to achieve these and I will need time off work on a weekly basis in order to achieve. Business Case to secure the resources for the personal development plan The goal of staff development is improvement in staff and organizational effectiveness. This is a process that affects interpretations of job requirements, relationships with colleagues, and perspectives on the methods of education. Staff development occurs in a social context and emphasizes teamwork, built on a foundation of collaboration. Staff development is a process that demonstrates the commonness of purpose of all staff and the crucial nature of individual knowledge and skills to perform assigned duties in relation to the achievement of these larger goals. Benefits in doing these for the company would be to pass on my knowledge within management, Health and Safety and food hygiene to supervisors and service staff and also further training for them and also to benefit the client as this gives me a broader understanding within food hygiene within the food industry. I have developed a business case which is to attend a advanced food hygiene course with HSF training for the cost of ? 425 plus VAT IN September 2013 so I can achieve this qualification Advantages of self development are : Train all staff within Level 1 of Food Hygiene Safety. More knowledge of the below in order to increase confidence with the client : †¢ Introduction to Food Safety †¢ Contamination hazards and control (microbiological, chemical, physical, allergenic) †¢ Bacteriology †¢ Food poisoning and food borne disease and its control †¢ Non-bacterial food poisoning and its control (chemical, metal, fish, poisonous plants) †¢ Personal hygiene controls and management †¢ Pest control †¢ Education and training of food handlers HACCP and controls from purchase to service †¢ Management control techniques and developing a food safety culture †¢ Overview of food safety legislation Disadvantages are as follows. Week taken from work to do course so loss of management on site which could cause a number of issues on site without management cover. My personal development will be reviewed and updated through my appraisal with carl jo nes account manager for hygiene group and we have also set targets that all the above will be completed by October 2013 with regular reviews set out. Myself and Carl Jones will discuss and agree work objectives and they will be measured by the support of Alan Ridley Hygiene Specialist The relationship between health safe working practices and organisational objectives within our business are good as our objectives are to give all our staff all the correct training and involving them in change within the business that is closely linked to our safe working practices as all staff are trained to these safe working practices which helps us reach our objectives. Our other health and safety objectives are closely monitored and are set by our client within our KPI’S Which are accidents, near misses, hipo’s and high risks activites were we need to improve year on year and these all involve our health and safety working practices on site, again training is need with staff in order to achieve these objectives. A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business too if output is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risks. Identify the hazards Decide who might be harmed and how Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Record your findings and implement them Review your assessment and update if necessary A risk that we had in the past was that we were using goggles to protect your eyes from chemical splashes which could seriously burn and cause permanent damage. I then reviewed the risk assessment and conducted a new one for the use of chemicals as I found there was more risks involved as chemical could also splash onto the skin causing burns also so I identified the hazards and put in control measures which was to use face visors and neck and chin guards as well as the use of chemical suits, gloves and Wellingtons to prevent burns to the body which eliminated the risks. I have identified and evaluated control measures that have been put in place within our organisation which was to wear a face visor at all times and not goggles when using corrosive chemicals and also a chin and neck guard so it eliminates any risk of the chemical splashing any part of the body which could cause severe burns. As a manager we have recently had one guy working for us who was fully trained within this safe working practice within working safely with chemicals and the wearing of hard hat and face visor but due to a behavioural issue he decided not to follow this practice and wore in incorrectly which resulted in temporary chemical burns to his eyes. A accident investigation was carried out and he received a warning for this due to not following company safe working practices. He also received further training and all other service staff were briefed on the accident that occurred and were re trained within working safely with chemicals. With regards to responsibilities for health and safety working practices to my team I communicate this at our S. A. T meetings were we have four members of our team that spend 1 full day each month reviewing health and safety working practices and updating were needed and then I communicate with the rest of the team on a monthly basis their responsibilities within their role for the task that they are carrying out. I also have a safety marshal on a daily basis with whom I liase with and brief so he can delegate health and safety working practices for our high risk tasks which is lock off, working at height, chemicals, confined space and roof work. Relevant records that are maintained to demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met are our sign off sheets were we have a working procedure with regards to what we are cleaning and how to clean and on this procedure and a health and safety practice on the procedure. We then have staff trained to this procedure and signed to say they have full knowledge of how to clean it and to follow the health and safety practicce and once complete they sign off our sign off sheet to say they have followed the correct procedures after commencement of cleaning of each clean that they do and this is cross referenced against quality and training How to cite Mr Joseph, Papers
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