Monday, November 25, 2019

plato and woman essays

plato and woman essays John Locke John Locke was an English philosopher and political theorist during the 1600s. He was also the founder of British empiricism. He is known for his great contribution to the Enlightenment period, in which he gave people the idea of natural rights and a government that protects those rights. John Locke also wrote a famous essay called Concerning Human Understanding and attacked the theory of divine right of kings in Two Treatises of Government. John Locke was a very important philosopher and his ideas effected many people. John Locke was born in Wrinlington, Somerset on August 29,1632. He lived from 1632 to 1704. He was the son of a puritan lawyer who fought for Cromwell in the English civil war. The father also named John Locke was a very devoted man to his work and family and an even-tempered man.John Locke was educated at Westminniser School and Oxford and later became a tutor at the university. His friends urged him to leave the church and start writing all of his great i deas, but John Locke said he was not fit for that calling, so he remained at the Church of England. He had long been interested in Meteorology and the experimental sciences, especially chemistry. He turned to medicine and became one of the most known practitioner of his time (Microsoft). In 1669, Locke became confidential secretary and personal physician to Anthony Ashley Cooper, later Lord Chancellor, and the first earl of Shaftbury. Lockes association with Shaftbury enabled him to meet many of the great men of England, but it also caused him a great deal of trouble. Shaftbury was indicated for high treason, but Locke was suspected of disloyalty. In 1685 he left England for Holland after the revolution of 1688 (Wolterstorff 83). Locke was always very interested in psychology, and in about 1670, some of his friends begged him to write and publish a paper on limitations of human judgment. He started to write a few paragraphs, but 20 years passed befor...

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