Friday, November 29, 2019

The Greatest Impact on my Life free essay sample

These are my two parents and my cousin. Being my mother it is almost without doubt certain that she had the greatest impact on making who I am today. Being with me almost all the time from day dot, her rules and teachings have grown onto me, making my ways I behave in situations similar to hers. From saying thank you to someone for helping me to knowing what the right and the wrong time is to do things, it all comes down to very deep seeds my mother had planted in my head 15 years ago. My mother’s teachings were very mainstream, teaching me my manners, how to read and all, but the most obvious thing is that she had and still does have a huge influence on is how I respond to things such as building relationship between people. A good example of this is between my mother and I. We will write a custom essay sample on The Greatest Impact on my Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have not had the best relationship with my mother as I would have liked to because we fight all the time but at the end of the day we forgive each other and become friends again. I got this forgiveness trait my mum. This is just one of the many things she has taught and passed on to me. My mother defiantly had a huge influence on the making the man I am today. My father is what I would see as a typical father, he provides money for everything which our family needs. Though this is a good thing it results in him being at home very little and it is hard to spend time with him. Now days it’s not much of a problem for me but as a child when I was soaking every bit of information up, it was hard to comprehend my friends telling me that they always spend time with their dad. This being the case I find it very hard to spend time with my dad now days because I never really have had the time to do so beforehand. Him not being home that often still did not stop him from influencing me though. It might not have been manners or morals but he had a huge impact on other things such as the AFL team I barrack for, my dislike to AFL (forcing me to watch football was not very fun as a child) and teaching me about cars. My farther had an effect on me making me the man I am by

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